What is a Calorie Deficit

If you have ever tried to lose weight before, then you have likely heard of 'Calorie Deficit' before.

If you have ever tried to lose weight before, then you have likely heard of 'Calorie Deficit' before.

A calorie deficit occurs when you consistently provide your body with fewer calories than it needs to support calorie expenditure.

A calorie deficit occurs when you consistently provide your body with fewer calories than it needs to support calorie expenditure.

What is

Calorie Expenditure?

Resting energy expenditure (REE)

REE refers to the calories your body uses at rest for functions that keep you alive, such as breathing and blood circulation.


Thermic effect of food

This involves the calories your body expends digesting, absorbing, and metabolizing food.


Activity energy expenditure

This refers to the calories you expend during sports like exercise and non-exercise related activities, including fidgeting and performing household chores.