Businesses and individuals alike are leveraging this technology to share information, facilitate transactions, and promote their social media presence. With a simple scan, you can generate a custom Instagram QR code to direct potential followers to your profile. However, to ensure a seamless user experience, it is essential to follow best practices when designing QR codes.

Choose the Right Size

The size of a code directly impacts its readability. A matrix that is too small may be difficult to scan, while a code that is too large can be overwhelming. As a rule of thumb, the code should be at least one inch (2.5 cm) in size. If you plan to display the QR code at a distance, such as on a billboard, consider increasing the size accordingly.

Maintain Adequate Contrast

To ensure your QR code is easily scannable, maintain sufficient contrast between the code and its background. A black code on a white background is the most common and effective combination. Avoid using colors with low contrast, as this can make it difficult for scanners to read the code accurately.

Incorporate Brand Elements

Customizing your QR code with your brand’s colors, logo, or design elements can make it visually appealing and easily recognizable. Be mindful not to compromise the readability of the code in the process. Test the customized matrix with multiple scanning apps to ensure it functions properly.

Provide Clear Instructions

Users may only sometimes know what to expect when scanning a QR code. Provide clear instructions or a brief description next to the matrix to inform users of the action they should take, such as “Scan to visit our website” or “Scan to follow us on Instagram.”

Test on Multiple Devices

QR codes should be easily scannable on various devices and operating systems. Test yours with multiple smartphone models, operating systems, and scanning apps to ensure compatibility.

Track Performance

Monitoring the performance of your QR codes is crucial to understanding their effectiveness. Use tracking tools to gather data on the number of scans, user demographics, and other valuable insights. This information can help you refine your marketing strategies and optimize the user experience.


As you can see, designing a QR code is an important part of ensuring your user experience is seamless. With careful thought and consideration, you can provide your users with a unique and enjoyable experience when they scan one of your QR codes.