Waking up the sounds of softly crashing waves and the smell of fresh air and sea salt is usually the type of image you only get to see in the movies or read in a book. Believe it or not, there are millions of people living this type of lifestyle right now and they’re reaping the rewards every single day. Buying a home near the beach seems to be an increasing trend over the past couple of years. Many beach dwellers seem to enjoy a better quality of life, have more freedom and generally experience more positive mental health benefits too. It has been proven that living closeby to the beach or ocean can encourage you to slow down and enjoy a steadier pace of life as well, which is why everyone should seriously consider relocating at some point in their lives.

The time might be right for you to make the move, or you may be considering it in the near future. No matter what stage you are currently at in your life, here are ten reasons to invest in a home near the beach that are very difficult to argue with!

1. You May Feel Happier

During numerous clinical studies, it has been proven that living near the beach can provide a multitude of health benefits. Emotional health and wellbeing are particularly benefited due to the increase in vitamin D and the proximity to the ocean and longer stretches of sunshine throughout the year. It seems that feeling happier almost goes hand in hand with living right by the ocean.

2. Improved Physical Health and More Exercise

As well as having a number of mental health benefits, there are also so many physical advantages to living near the beach. When you look at luxurious ocean front homes in your local area, you’ll notice that there are so many more opportunities to experience the outdoors. When you opt to buy a home near the beach, you’re much more likely to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, because of the inspirational surroundings. Living in coastal cities and towns may help you to add valuable years onto your life as it encourages you to be more physically active.

3. Ideal Location For Raising a Family

Having a family near the beach gives you so many options with regards to activities and community spirit. Most beach towns have numerous opportunities for children to play and learn as they get older. You may also get to spend more time outside if the weather is clear throughout the year. The quality of education and overall housing is also significantly better than city based counterparts, making it an appealing option for those wanting to start a family soon.

4. More Local Amenities to Enjoy

As well as having delightful charming elements in your local beach town, there is also likely to be a whole lot of activities to enjoy. From ocean view restaurants to bustling fairgrounds, there is so much you can enjoy with the people you love when you live near the ocean.

5. The Surroundings Are Peaceful

When you think about some of the densest areas in the country, you probably think about the noise pollution immediately. A densely populated area usually means more crowds and noisier mornings and evenings. Living by the beach often gives numerous chances to soak up the peace and quiet around you. Although there may be busier seasons during the summer when tourists are visiting, it’s worth it when all of these things are available on your doorstep all year round. Unlike the seasonal tourists you’ll be able to visit your favorite market, boutique store and restaurant without having to book many months in advance because it’s simply round the corner from you!

6. Stunning Views All Year Round

If you’re the type of person who loves waking up early to look at the sunrises, you certainly won’t be disappointed with the views near the ocean. In fact, you may struggle to find a more beautiful sunrise and sunset due to the stunning horizons. Picture perfect views every time you roll out of bed or head home after a busy day at work is certainly something that will never get old.

7. Beach Properties Are a Great Investment

When you buy a beach property, you are setting yourself up for an incredibly worthwhile long-term asset. There is so much potential that goes hand in hand with buying a beach property, simply because they are extremely popular and will always sell well. In general, they tend to do very well as time goes on and there’s a high chance that the value will increase over the year rather than depreciate. If you’ve always been keen to get into real estate, then it’s a great idea to look into beach properties, simply because they are so valuable. Choosing areas that are on the verge of becoming more popular with tourists is a surefire way to ensure your property investment is worthwhile.

8. Ideal Holiday Home or Rental Property

You may be fortunate enough to have enough disposable income to buy an additional home near the beach so that you can spend time there during the holiday seasons. You may also want to rent out your property as an AirBnB so that you can use it as passive income on the side. Beach condos are the ideal rental property as they’re appealing to short stay visitors, they’re attractive for locals to stay in and they’re very easy to maintain in the long run.

9. Excellent Weather

No matter where you’re thinking of purchasing your beachfront property, you are going to find that the weather is much calmer and kinder when you choose this type of location. When you venture further inland, you’ll be greeted with much more variable weather. If you’re looking for consistent temperatures, year round sunshine and higher temperatures in general, living by the beach is going to be a great choice for you. Although you may want to experience all of the seasons in all of their beauty, you will view them in a different way when you choose to invest in a home by the beach.

10. It’s The Perfect Retirement Place

Although not everyone will want to relocate to a brand new place when they retire, it’s certainly worth considering moving closer to the beach to live out that last couple of decades of your life. Looking for calm, tranquil places to call home after working hard for your entire life seems like a sensible plan for many reasons. When it comes to finding the best place to retire, everyone will have their own personal opinions, but living by the beach is certainly a huge advantage that cannot be ignored. It’s a brilliant way to welcome grandchildren into your lives as you’ll have the option of walks on the beach and ice creams in local parlors; it really is an idyllic life for the older generation.

As you can see, there are numerous advantages that go hand in hand with owning a home near the beach. Having the ocean on your doorstep has been proven to be more beneficial than living in a busy city, due to the positive impacts on your mental health. As with any location, there will always be a handful of drawbacks to take note of, but for most people living on the beach is a hugely rewarding and positive experience all round.