Technology is everywhere and we are now almost completely reliant on it to complete day to day tasks. The impact of technology can be seen across all industries as improvements are constantly being made.

The aim of technology is always to improve our lives, but how has it done this? We’ll be looking into the ways that technology has made our lives easier and which industries have been particularly affected.

What industries have been most impacted by technological improvements?


Shopping can be a great source of therapy – until you’re looking for one specific thing that you can’t find. That’s where online shopping has come in to save the day. We’ve all been online shopping for what feels like forever, but improvements keep being made to make our lives easier.

Not only can you shop online, but you can now shop via an app which makes life even easier. You can get updates for when your order has been shipped, you can arrange your deliveries to be delayed or put in a safe place if you’re not going to be home. There are so many areas of retail that are being improved by technology.


Gaming is another industry that has seen some serious improvements due to technology. You used to only be able to game at a casino or a registered arcade, but now you can visit an online casino to get a game in. Ontario online casinos have seen a massive influx of people visiting them, just as they have across the globe.

PC and console gaming have also seen massive improvements in gameplay and graphics as the technology continues to improve. It’s an industry that has seen lots of new people taking up gaming as a hobby as it becomes more accessible.


Banking has really changed in the last decade. Going to the bank used to be a hassle – you had to make every payment and get any money you needed out at a bank. Things started to slowly change as the internet came into play with more things moving online.

But in the last decade or so, the banking landscape has changed completely. You can do whatever you need to do from online banking or even just the app on your phone. You can make payments, receive payments, even order a new bank card from your phone.

This has made things so much easier, saving us time and energy by not having to do all things banking in person.

How has technology improved our lives?

Better customer service

Although talking to someone in real life can be helpful, we can now talk to real people online or on the phone. Most companies offer a live chat service where you can message someone about the issue you’re having.

This is great if you’re working and need to talk to someone, but can’t talk over the phone. It pops up as a message, just as if you were texting them.

Even if you do prefer to talk on the phone, it’s now easier to do that as you can find the number online. You can ring them up rather than having to travel all the way to whatever service you need. You can save money on travelling there, parking or getting the train or bus and save yourself time too.

A lot more convenient

Technology has made everything a lot more convenient. We have less disruption in our daily lives as things can be sorted or bought or organized at the touch of a couple of buttons. This gives us so much more time to do the things that actually matter.

Of course, there are instances where we have to do things in person. But this makes it a more exciting opportunity rather than a hindrance or something that causes us extra stress and aggravation.

Easier to access information

We can look things up easier than ever now. If we’re looking for information about something, there’s no need to dust off the encyclopedia – you can simply get out your mobile device and find out what you need to know!

It’s even more useful when booking things like trains, flights and taxis as it’s such a time saver. You can also get all the live information you need. You can find out if a train or plane is running late so you can plan accordingly. You can book a cab and find out where it is so you know whether you have time to run and grab a jacket or not.

The ease of access to information saves so much time and energy that you can use for things that are more important to you.

Improvements in technology mean improvements are being made throughout our daily lives. What technological advancement are you most pleased about?