The biggest changes that we go through as we age is in our hair.It can still look as lovely as ever, but the colour will start to change as it moves from whatever your natural shade is too Gray. It also means that you might not be able to keep it looking its best because it doesn’t feel as nourished, as healthy, or as thick as it used to. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of aging is thinning hair, and not everybody’s able to cope with that. However, if you’re sitting here reading this and you’re in your 20s or 30s, there’s everything you could be doing right now to help your hair to stay as healthy and lustrous as possible for longer. ?Let’s take a look at our tips for maintaining healthy hair as you age.

  1. Nourish it as much as possible. As with your skin, your hair needs to stay hydrated and nourished to maintain its suppleness and its strength. Whether you’re using supplements such as Nutrafol men or you are choosing to use Moisturizing shampoos, leave-in treatments or conditioners, you can continue to nourish your hair whether you’re a man or a woman. Both of you should be doing that in the first place as healthy hair is not gender specific! Incorporating deep conditioning treatments into your routine will help to prevent anything from drying out or going brittle, which is very common in aging hair.
  2. Style gently. There really is no need for a 7 step routine with hair dryers, blow dryers, hair straighteners, curlers, and as much heat as it can stand. Excessive heat is actually going to exacerbate your hair aging. Early aging, just like with your skin, is never a preferable option. You don’t want it to be dry. You don’t want it to break. Air dry or use a heat protectant. Moisturizer or spray whenever you do need to use heat. When it comes to styling, making sure that you don’t use hairstyles that pull on your scalp or weaken hair overtime is important. Choose loose styles to minimize any stress that comes onto your hair follicles.
  3. Keep your diet healthy. Supplements are great, but making sure that you are eating a diet rich in nutrient packed food is important. Your hair’s health will reflect your diet, so lots of protein, vitamin A, C, D, E, zinc, iron and Omega-3s can help to promote.Healthy scalp and hair growth.
  4. Look after your scalp. It’s important that you are keeping your scalp as healthy as possible. Use a gentle and exfoliating scalp treatment every week to remove any dead skin cells and stimulate blood flow, which will in turn help your hair to grow.

Keeping your hair healthy means paying attention to what it looks like and what it feels like when you are not healthy. Look at every aspect of your life to know that you are eating and drinking enough and making sure that you are adding the right treatments to your hair so that it looks good.