Country music is an incredibly well-loved genre of music that has its roots way back from when the USA was first colonized by Europe. Since then, it has constantly evolved, taking on a plethora of other styles ranging from jazz to blues and ultimately morphed into what we call country and western music today. As a result of its constantly changing nature, it has spawned many subgenres that have enabled different demographics to come into the fold and enjoy what has been enjoyed already for centuries. This post will explore a few of these subgenres so that new fans who are looking to become a little more integrated into the fold can understand its roots and where it’s going moving forward.

Americana Fuses Country With Folk Influences

When you think about Americana, images of the good old boys hanging out and having fun might come to mind. While this might not be too far from the truth, Americana is a subgenre all to itself and encompasses the more folky elements of country with the more traditional aspects of it, creating a beautiful blend of music that can take you back in time and back to the heady days when the nation first formed. It is popular enough that you can find Americana and Roots music news sites that are purely dedicated to offering up the latest news and information about new artists. These websites offer a glimpse into what this subgenre is all about and can provide a little more about where it originated from.

Bluegrass Features Fast-Paced Instrumentals And Harmonies

If you think that country music is all about the fiddle and the banjo, you’d be wrong in your overall assessment but correct if you consider bluegrass. Bluegrass is one of the more well-known and established categories of the genre and has been delighting its fans for years. It tends to include rhythmic elements punctuated by soulful sounds created by a range of instruments. It has tended to be pushed to the back when put up against the others on this list, but for those who want to listen to the sweet sounds of the Appalachian mountains and enjoy the gentle twanging of the banjo, bluegrass is a style not to be missed.

New Entrants Have Started Adding Modern Influences

Although certain artists have tried to break into country music with limited success (Beyonce tried and failed to win over the hardcore), they have primarily failed thanks to a misunderstanding of what this music is all about. There is still lots of opportunity for new entrants to break into the genre and carve out their own versions while still staying true to the core tenets of country music, which tends to be family, country, and good times. It is interesting to see new subgenres emerging all the time, such as country mixed with rap. It is these kinds of developments that make the entire genre as a whole more appealing to more people, which can only be good for the artists who put their blood and sweat into every song.

Traditional Country Emphasizes Storytelling And Authentic Instruments

If you look back at what traditional country music is all about, you will soon discover that, at its core, it was a way to tell stories. In many ways, this is not too dissimilar to other types of music, especially folk music, where the idea is to pass down ideas and things that happened in the everyday lives of everyday folks from way back in the day. In terms of instrumentation, numerous traditional musical instruments were incorporated due to the fact that they were brought over by various groups of people who made the United States their home.

Country Rock Fuses Rock Elements With Country Sounds

As rock and roll began to infuse society with its personal mixture of fast-paced tunes and counter-culture messaging, it’s no surprise that country musicians would start to blend it into the genre to create a new subgenre: country rock. This style opts for electric guitars, percussion, and a much rawer, grittier version of music that encompasses many of the same heart of the original sounds but is portrayed in a way that really emphasizes raw power. Perhaps the most well-known contemporary country rock star is HARDY, who has found enormous success with the subgenre.

Country music is a fantastic genre that isn’t widely appreciated enough. While there are plenty of fans in certain parts of the USA, the more mainstream appeal it gains, the more fans worldwide it will accumulate.