A growing number of American men say they are stuck in a ‘friendship recession,’ with 20% of single men saying they don’t have any close friends. While making friends while out and about can seem difficult — especially if you have a busy schedule, technology has made it incredibly easy to meet new people from around the world right from the comfort of your home. From the value of friendships to how you can get started and make meaningful connections around the world, video chatting is a fantastic way to expand your friend circle.

The value of friendship

Friendships provide a range of advantages, particularly when it comes to your health and well-being. According to the Mayo Clinic, benefits associated with friendship include increasing your sense of belonging and purpose, boosting happiness, and reducing stress, to highlight just a few. Additionally, it’s noted that friends can have a positive impact on your life by serving as a good influence by encouraging healthier habits. For example, having a friend that enjoys going to the gym can help you reach your own fitness goals by holding you accountable when promising to go together.

Many may believe that friendships are only beneficial when we’re younger, though this simply isn’t true — in fact, friendship can play a key role as we age. “Having friends is one of the biggest factors impacting physical and mental health in old age,” confirms Dr. Charlynn Raun, a clinical psychologist and founder of Thrive Psychology Group. For example, Dr. Raun points out that loneliness is one of the most significant issues among older adults, which can have a major impact on both physical and mental health. Having friends, however, can help an individual from becoming lonely and socially isolated, proving to be beneficial even as we grow older.

Finding friends in a meaningful way

For many men in search of genuine friendship, actually finding new friends can feel like a daunting endeavor — especially if you’ve already tried approaching others when out at a bar or bookstore. Thankfully, online platforms that integrate video chatting can make things much easier. Through social platforms that are designed for meeting new friends, you’ll be able to rest assured that others are there for the same reason you are — to create meaningful connections. Discover InstaCams for connecting with new people in a safe and respectful environment, enabling men to make new friends and learn about different cultures around the world. Through a platform such as InstaCams, video chat enables users to have a personal interaction that wouldn’t otherwise be possible with texting alone. Through random pairings with people around the world, you can embrace meeting someone new in a unique way.

It’s important to note that becoming friends with people from different cultures around the world can prove to be immensely valuable as well, underlining the power of video chat for friendships. Diverse friendships not only teach you more about the world and different cultures, but can open your mind to new perspectives, too. For example, a conversation about food from different cultures can lead to the discovery of a new favorite food, or something different to try. Learning a new language with an international friend can prove to be another major benefit, whether you set out with a language-learning goal or simply pick up a few phrases for fun.

Starting the conversation

When meeting people online, a meaningful and productive conversation can make it easier to get to know the other person and become friends. If small talk is intimidating or you happen to experience social anxiety disorder (SAD), one VeryWell Mind post suggests a variety of tips that can make conversation with strangers easier. Commenting on something personal is just one suggestion, which can help give a starting point to the chat whether it be a unique piece of jewelry or a tattoo. Bouncing off of the other person’s response by revealing a bit about yourself can help keep the conversation going. Breaking the ice with a bit of humor is another great approach. “Keep your commentary positive — never mean-spirited or judgemental,” notes VeryWell, going on to stress the importance of making the other person feel comfortable and as though they’re in on the joke with you. From there, finding common ground with interests, hobbies, or experiences can be a great way to build on a chat, and can ultimately become a great starting point for an eventual friendship.

Meeting new people can be a daunting endeavor, especially if you’re trying to make new friends along the way. Video chatting is a great avenue worth exploring when aiming to expand your friend circle, especially if your goal is to make meaningful connections around the world.