Being a homeowner is all about knowing the tips and tricks of maintaining everything around the house – right from knowing how to get grease off a clean surface to remembering when it’s time to clean the air vents.

There are a number of things which will need to be repaired or renewed each year, and it helps to know a little about some of these common problems, as this will help you be more independent while also saving you a lot of money in the long run.

One of the most common appliances to break down in any household is the air conditioner. Though this may seem like a complex device which only a professional can fix, it isn’t always the case. Very often, it’s a simple glitch that’s causing the problem, and can be easily fixed if you take some time to figure it out.

That’s why we’ve put together 3 of the most common problems that air conditioners have, and how you can easily troubleshoot them yourself to avoid calling a professional. Let’s get started!

1. The AC fan isn’t spinning

One of the most common problems you would come across (sometimes even multiple times a year) is when your AC fan just stops spinning. The good news, however, is that this is usually caused by minor issues which can be fixed in no time – all you need to do is take a little time to figure out what those are.

The next time you find that the fan is not spinning, try using the following steps to see what may be wrong:

  • Check if it’s a power issue – if your AC is overheated, the chances of it tripping are slightly high. Just go to the circuit breaker switch box and flip the switch back on – remember to do this with care.
  • Check if the capacitor is dead and needs to be replaced.
  • Check if the air filter is clogged – this could prevent the air from flowing freely, which in turn will affect the fan and cause a breakdown.
  • Check if your AC’s belt has either broken or slipped down – this can be easily replaced and wouldn’t take too much effort.

2. Hot air blowing out instead of cold air

One of the most annoying problems that you may face is when your AC starts generating hot air instead of cold air – making it impossible to use. However, the reason this happens is generally not because of a huge problem with your AC.

It generally takes place when your capacitor is overheated, causing it to malfunction. One of the most common reasons why your capacitor may heat up is because there’s some debris or obstruction in the way that’s causing the strain, so be sure to check for any obvious reasons and rule those out before anything else.

Another common reason could be because of a drop in the refrigerant level in the AC – this can be avoided simply by taking the time to clean the air filters and ducts regularly each year. If your refrigerant level has dropped, you may have to call a technician to measure the level.

3. A strange or foul smell from the AC

Lastly, it isn’t uncommon to occasionally get a weird or even foul smell from your AC. This is a problem which needs to be checked into immediately, because it could be a major health hazard if left unattended to.

This is a common mistake many people make, since they assume that they can check out what’s causing the smell later since the AC still seems to be working fine. However, you can avoid a tonne of problems by looking into it immediately. It’s likely that the smell is usually caused due to an improper drainage issue which has led to the formation of mould – which must be cleaned immediately.