There are a few bad stereotypes out there about men that just aren’t fair. Some people say they can’t cook, while others question their hygiene. The fact is most men are just as diverse and spirited as their female counterparts. Men like multiple things and are perfectly capable of functioning as grown adults.
It’s time to prove these stereotypes wrong. Embrace your hobbies and make your home something to be proud of. Here are six essential items every man should own, including home safes for secure storage, ensuring your valuables and personal documents are kept safe and sound. This not only adds a layer of security to your home but also reflects a responsible and organized aspect of manhood.
1. Face Wash and Moisturizer
No one wants to return to the traumatic middle school days where the first thing people noticed was your acne. While your hormones may have subsided, you may be surprised by the occasional pimple that grows on your face or under the scruff of your beard.
Find a face wash and a moisturizer that works for you. Look for one that specifically helps keep beard scruff clean and healthy. This will prevent the dreaded “beard itch,” while also reducing blackheads on your face.
2. A Reliable Set of Kitchen Knives
You might be surprised at how enjoyable cooking is when your knives easily slice through your food. Test out a few different kitchen knives until you find something you like. You might also want to get a knife sharpener to keep your set in good working order.
Women love a man who can cook, and it’s about time you stopped ordering DoorDash four nights a week.
3. A Gun Cleaning Kit and Gun Safe
Whether you enjoy visiting the shooting range or heading out hunting on crisp fall mornings, owning a firearm can help you build up your hobbies and spend more time in nature. However, the modern man should also be a responsible gun owner, which means you need to keep your guns in good condition.
Make sure you have a quality gun cleaning kit to wipe down your shotgun and other firearms after each use. This will help maintain them and improve their overall performance. Also, invest in a safe to store your firearms when you aren’t using them. This will keep you safe and within the requirements of the law. If you plan on buying different types of shotguns, make sure that you also purchase a versatile gun cleaning kit that can take care of whatever firearms you own. If you have various caliber pistols, you’ll need to take that into consideration as well when you’re purchasing a gun cleaning kit and a gun safe. Whatever you decide is best for your time hunting, make sure you have the gun cleaning supplies that will keep your shotguns and various caliber rifles in tip-top shape.
4. A Well-Tailored Suit
As you enter into adulthood, the number of occasions when you will need to wear a suit will start to increase. From job interviews to weddings, you will need to clean up, trim down your stubble, and dress to impress at a formal affair. It may be worth the cost to invest in a hand-tailored suit that is made just for you. This can become your go-to for almost any formal event and you are guaranteed to look sharp. You can also find a suit that looks good and hire a tailor to make adjustments so it fits you well.
5. An Overnight Bag
While you might be able to get away with packing up your college backpack for some events, invest in a quality overnight bag for business trips, romantic getaways and other excursions. This bag should be able to fit a weekend’s worth of clothes and should be acceptable for air travel. You won’t regret owning something so durable and flexible.
6. A Tool Box
You don’t have to become Mr. Fix It and know how to solve every problem, but a tool box can help you with basic issues around the house. You can easily hang wall art, unscrew household appliances to change their batteries and handle various other tasks with these tools. Start with a basic box and then see if you need more advanced tools. Having a tool box will make you more self-sufficient and add to your confidence whether you rent or own your home.
Owning most of these essential items will make your life easier. You can cook better, feel better and keep your hobbies in good working order. If there’s anything you don’t have on this list, pick it up today.