The idea of an all-in-one media device has been done before, usually with ill-fated results. We simply enjoy too many forms of entertainment to be locked down to a system that can’t meet all of our needs. This has made us think about the possibilities of folding phones like the upcoming Galaxy Fold 6, as leaked by The Verge. There are some serious arguments that these could illustrate a perfect all-in-one system for some users, and we want to explore why.

The Folding Basics

In case you’re not a big mobile or tech person, folding phones are essentially just a smartphone that opens like a book. Thanks to a flexible screen helpfully explained by Android Authority, this opening process doubles the available screen space. Once opened, a folding system works much like a tablet, with all the functionality and usability that tablets imply.

SAMSUNG Galaxy Fold Foldable Phone” (CC BY-ND 2.0) by TheBetterDay

Covering the Bases

To start with the easier uses first, folding phones’ music or audiobook players require little explanation. These exist as simple apps like Spotify or Apple Music, which are infinitely more convenient than lugging around physical media and have been a primary function of smartphones for well over a decade.

Moving on to reading, the extra screen space of folding phones makes them far superior choices for e-books than traditional smartphones. Larger ones might also be read just like actual books as you flick between pages. Text could be resized and replaced to take advantage of the folding area however users see fit.

Next up is browsing and light interactive elements, as demonstrated by something like Paddy Power online casino gambling. These uses and games already work perfectly well on traditional smartphones, and more space only helps make them more immersive. Whether checking out the free spins and deposit matches, or playing a game like Wolf It Up or Eagle of Wealth, more space also means easier navigation and better multitasking for navigating between websites and pages.

Finally, the biggest hurdle most people think of when it comes to streaming entertainment on smartphones is video content. While we tend to be happy with YouTube streaming, many of us will draw the line at watching movies or TV series on a traditional slate-style screen. With double the size, folding phones can cross this threshold into usable systems, eliminating this hurdle.
If this seems unlikely, hold your phone up at your usual viewing distance, and compare the area it takes up in your field of view compared to your TV. If doubling your phone size takes up more space than the folding phone would, you’ve got something to think about. You’d still need headphones to get the most from the experience, but this is easily solvable.

Not For Everyone

There will never be one form of entertainment platform that works perfectly for everyone. The point of this article is that, with the potential that folding phones present, we’re closer to that hypothetical ideal than ever before. Folding phones tick more boxes than any systems in the past, and that’s an exciting achievement, even if you’re not personally interested. Of course, it would also make breaking the device infinitely more devastating, but that’s another conversation entirely.