There has been a shift towards healthier living since the pandemic, but where can you get advice if you want to live a healthier lifestyle or help if you’re feeling unwell? In this guide, we’ll answer your questions, pointing you in the right direction if you need assistance.

Minor ailments

We all deal with minor ailments at some point in our lives. From snuffles and sneezing to skin rashes and muscle pain, it’s common to experience mild symptoms. If you have a minor illness, or you’ve got an injury that doesn’t require urgent intervention, see your family doctor, consult reputable health websites or visit a pharmacy. In many cases, symptoms of mild illnesses and injuries will dissipate with rest or self-help techniques, for example, applying ice to a swollen ankle.

Serious but non-life-threatening injuries

If you’ve fallen, you’ve been injured while playing sports, or you’ve been involved in an accident, you may need to seek medical advice. If you have serious injuries, but they’re not life-threatening, visit your nearest urgent care center. Urgent care services specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and injuries that require immediate attention but are not serious enough to warrant a trip to the emergency room. Examples include feeling dizzy or faint, sprains and strains and mild allergic reactions.

Mental health help

Most of us know that if we have a headache or back pain, we can call the doctor and make an appointment, but what if you’re dealing with mental health issues? There is still a stigma surrounding mental health, especially among men, which makes some people reluctant to seek help. Treat mental health in the same way as physical health. If you’re feeling low, you’re experiencing anxiety, or stress has got the better of you, contact your doctor. You may also find it beneficial to see a therapist or join group support sessions. In extreme cases, for example, if you have suicidal thoughts, seek emergency help.

Emergency treatment

Emergency rooms provide life-saving treatment for individuals with the most severe injuries and symptoms. If you experience chest pain or an irregular heartbeat, or you feel very faint and you also have a rash, for example, visit the emergency room. You may also need immediate treatment if you have severe injuries as a result of a fall or a car accident, or you sustain serious burns. Emergency centers provide care for people who have had a stroke, heart attack or seizure, and they can also help with complications during pregnancy.

Healthy living tips

If you’re hoping to boost your mental and physical health, there is lots of information and support available. You can read articles in reputable magazines and newspapers, visit trustworthy websites or speak to healthcare professionals. You might also benefit from talking to experts in specific fields, such as nutrition and diet and exercise. A dietitian can help you improve your eating habits while a personal trainer can offer personalized training tips to help you get fitter.