If you are in the process of organizing a road trip then there are some things you need to consider. There are of course pros and cons to road trips, the most obvious might be that you are on the road for many hours a day. This can take its toll, you will need to plan regular stops along the way. Depending on where you are going, a road trip can last a long while. For example, if you are driving along the famous route 66 east to west or vice versa then it can take up to three weeks depending on weather conditions. Take a look at the article below to find out more about planning the best road trip.


One of the first things you need to figure out is where you are going to travel. A road trip can consist of driving from your home to your chosen destinations or even taking a hired vehicle from the airport. If you have exhausted all home based road trips then it might be time to fly somewhere. Look at how much it is to hire a car or RV, be sure to check you can drop it off at a different location than where you picked it up. Otherwise you will need to reach your destination and then come back on yourself to drop the vehicle back off. There are plenty of rental companies who will let you do this as they will then drive it back to the base. Some of the best road trip destinations around the world include Route 66, the Amalfi Coast, and the Icelandic ring road. You may have other destinations in mind but these are certainly worth visiting once in your life.


You won’t get very far on your road trip if you don’t work out your budget. You will need to know exactly how much you have to play with for the duration of your trip. Work out how much you will need for different things, petrol and accommodation for instance. Write it all down so you know where you stand, it might also help to mark things off as and when you book them. If you book in advance then these things will already be paid for when you arrive. This counts for things such as attractions, accommodation, and dinner reservations. The last thing you want to do is run out of money on your trip. Try and give yourself some extra so you have a bit of wiggle room.

How To Get There

We have briefly touched on using different modes of transport for your road trip. For example, you might be flying to your chosen destination rather than driving. Make sure that if this is the case then everything is booked before you go. Plane tickets especially, with all the correct contact details included. You will also need to book the vehicle hire and have the confirmation message to hand when you land. When you hire a car or other vehicle you will be asked if you want comprehensive cover for accidents. This is always worth having as any damage to the vehicle will cost you extra.

Check Your Vehicle

If you are driving from your home on a road trip then you will need to ensure your vehicle is up to standards. This means checking that everything works, including the lights. You don’t want to be stranded on a deserted road and be waiting hours for help to arrive. Checking your vehicle before you go is one of the best things you can do. If you don’t want to do this yourself as you don’t know what to check for then you could take it to your local garage. They will give your vehicle the full once over and ensure everything is working as it should. They will check your brakes, oil levels, and air con units.


When you go away you will need to arrange places to stay along the way. This could be anything from camp sites to 5* hotels, or even motels if you are on a budget. Make sure you check reviews online before you book as you don’t want to waste your money. If your road trip is delayed for any reason then you will need to alert your accommodation of your delay. If you miss it completely then you may be entitled to a refund; if you don’t ask then you don’t get.

Staying Safe

When you are on a road trip it is essential you stay safe at all times. Common sense must come into play, especially if you are in a foreign country. Don’t talk to strangers is one of the most important lessons when traveling. Unless of course, you need to ask for directions or speak to someone in a shop. There have been many stories lately about people going on road trips or on vacations and not making it back home. Use your common sense and knowledge to stay safe. Always let people know where you are, it might be worth starting a WhatsApp or other chat group so you can keep your friends and family informed of your whereabouts.

Use Gadgets

Lastly, when you’re on a road trip it can be essential to arm yourself with all the latest gadgets. A lot of countries have the hands free rule so you will need to get a phone mount for when you are driving. There is an amazing one you can transport about with you, take a look at the quad lock car mount. You can also get a bike mount if you plan on using your bikes as part of your trip. This way you will never get lost while out and about. It might also be handy to get yourself a steering wheel lock, especially if you are venturing to an area with high crime rates.

Hopefully you found this article helpful and it gave you some tips and tricks on what you need for the best road trip. There may be hiccups and minor inconveniences along the way, but as long as you are having a great time nothing else matters. Make lots of memories, take loads of pictures, and never forget your time spent traveling.