Employee engagement is an emotional commitment and relationship between the organization, its employees, and the goals a company strives to attain. The more employee engagement in a company, the more discretionary efforts will be. It is a way to approach the customers to know how connected and satisfied they are with your company.

Transparency and confidence in an organization encourage employees to work actively and efficiently. Highly engaged employees work hard for the believing company’s mission and perform for its success. Employees’ role within the company, their attitude toward coworkers, their relationship with the supervisor, how they feel about the company culture, and most importantly, the emotional attachment to the company itself play a crucial part in employee engagement. When employees are satisfied and loyal, it becomes a competitive advantage for the company.

Why improve employee engagement?

Retaining top talent is vital to engage employees by improving employee satisfaction. This reduces turnover, increases productivity, enhances work culture, builds better work and customer relationships, and ultimately increases the profit of the company. Employee engagement ensures better employee safety and improves discipline and punctuality. Good employees define the company’s value, enhance the company’s reputation, and reduce employee turnover. Satisfied and happy employees will likely present your company and work environment to others, acting as the company’s advocates. A start-up with good employees to advocate is an asset for the organization. Here are a few ways to improve employee engagement in start-ups:

1. Recognize their good work

Recognizing employees’ work and efforts encourages them to perform further tasks efficiently. Recognition helps them see their contribution to the success of the company. It builds a sense of security and confidence and motivates the employees to get better. This is one of the essential features of a start-up, as it will help in employee retention and further increase turnover. Something to consider might be looking into quality trophies for your employees.

2. Provide proper flexibility

Flexibility in the workplace holds the concept that employees can be productive regardless of where they perform their work. A rigid workplace is usually boring and can exhaust the employees of dull routines. Accordingly, a spacious workplace with a flexible environment will give them confidence and help in generating ideas. This maintains a better work-life balance and employee well-being.

3. Learning and development

This refers to a function that empowers employees’ growth and develops their knowledge in an organization. It enhances their overall skills and capabilities to boost their productivity in the workplace. A start-up’s learning and development function sets the base of good quality employees, which is essential for successful functioning of the organization. This is even more important in start-ups, especially during onboarding when you must provide briefs to all employees. To ease this task, consider choosing the best onboarding software after exploring a plethora of options online.

4. Do not micromanage

Micromanaging your workers is a good idea, but it negatively impacts your enterprise. Micromanaging is a way of management where the owner keenly observes and controls his employee’s work. To get the job done precisely, you start over-involving the employees, overloading them with work, and making them feel valueless. Instead, appreciate their work and guide them step by step, or else they will become dependent on you, lose trust in themselves, and become less innovative, resulting in high turnovers.

5. Reward your employees

A good acceleration will make good changes in the company’s growth. Motivated and rewarded employees tend to perform better and put in more efforts, as they will be able to see the growth and success of the company with their work. They will know their value in the company and put all their energy into taking it to a better position. This is even more essential in start-ups, as the company is still developing.

6. Encourage them to find solutions

Encouraging your employees to find solutions does not mean you must reject them every time and not guide them when needed. It refers to providing them with positive feedback and motivating them to make decisions when it is related to their personal life and work-related hindrance. This will not only ease your task as a manager but also give them the confidence to tackle any difficulty.


Employee engagement ultimately increases employee productivity, long-term employee retention, improved quality of work, and organizational success. A start-up with good employee engagement will flourish at a stable rate, resulting in increased company value. So make use of these tips to accelerate your business and create an empowering workspace.