You might have bought this piece of artwork in order to hang it in your living room, maybe you want to give the art to a friend who loves art, or maybe you want to buy the art so you can sell it later.

But no matter why you have made the purchase of the artwork that you have bought, you need to keep your artworks in great condition so they can be enjoyed for many years to come. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to keeping your art perfect.

Do: Put Your Art In The Right Room

While you might want to hang your art in the sunroom of your house, or hang it in that one place where the sun can shine on it, that is a terrible idea. Direct sunlight can cause a lot of faded or warped artwork, and it can very quickly ruin the look of your artwork. So put the art in the correct room to make sure it continues to look good.

For example, you can store your artwork in a room that is relatively cool and that won’t be affected by extremes in temperature.

Do: Handle Your Art With Care

Whether you are moving from house to house or simply taking your art from one room to another, you need to handle your artwork with care. Whether you are moving a vase, a painting, a statue, or some other form of artwork, you need to be careful. Don’t jostle the artwork, pack the artwork carefully, and don’t lift it up without a firm and secure grip.

If you try to move the artwork without a firm grip, you may end up dropping and damaging the artwork, and no one wants that. Then you will need to go back to Singulart’s Gallery to replace your piece of art, so hopefully it is not priceless!

Don’t: Clean Your Paintings

If your painting gets covered in dust or otherwise dirty, then you might wonder if you need to go ahead and clean the piece. However, don’t clean your artwork with just water and soap, because most paintings are extremely sensitive to water and excess moisture. If you can avoid touching the surface of your painting, then you need to do so.

For other types of artwork, then you need to research how best to clean them, but if you are in any way concerned about how to clean your paintings, you need to reach out to a professional restorer to get that artwork cleaned.

Don’t: Make Mistakes While Storing Art

If you are storing art in your home, then you can make quite a few mistakes while trying to make sure that your artwork is perfectly stored and controlled. First, when storing your artwork, you shouldn’t store several unframed pieces to save storage space, so make sure to place a conservation mat board that is larger than your works between each piece of art.

This will prevent creasing, chemical reactions, and other forms of damage that can happen to your artwork. Additionally, don’t store your artwork in a tube, because that will cause creasing and other issues. Store the pieces flat with art under the boards for the best supports.

You Can Keep Your Artwork Safe And In Good Condition

Even if you just want to hang things up in a room to look at the paintings or art piece, you can follow these easy tips for keeping your art in great condition for many years to come!