Owning a home is an investment. It’s a financial investment for starters, because you will have put a lot of money into it and, unlike renting, you get a physical asset that you can sell or pass on to your family members. But it’s also an investment of time and effort.
When you own your home, you aren’t just responsible for paying for it. You’re also responsible for maintaining it and making sure it’s in good condition. Whether you plan on selling your home, renting it out to someone else, or living in it, it should be habitable and pleasant to live in.

Here are a few ways to ensure that your home is properly cared for. After all, if you look after your home, your home will look after you.

Why it Matters

Why is it so important to make sure your home is in good condition? The obvious answer is safety. A property that hasn’t been looked after might not be structurally sound, or it might have issues that could potentially cause injuries, illnesses, or even death. If you’re a landlord, you’re legally obligated to ensure that the property is habitable and in good condition.

Think about some of the risks involved in neglecting your home. Some properties might be at risk of collapse or some other structural failure, which isn’t just dangerous, but can be expensive to fix. Structural problems don’t just go away if you ignore them. You have to fix them.

Your home might also be more prone to other problems, like fire. A house fire can be devastating, as it’s dangerous to the lives of those living in your home. Even if nobody is hurt, you may lose everything you own. While not every fire can be prevented, if your home is in good condition, it is less likely to happen.

As well as the safety side of things, you also need to think about the cost of keeping your home. While repairs and maintenance might cost time and money, it’s much cheaper to repair the issue earlier on. Your home might be cheaper to run if it’s in good condition.
Finally, think about the fact that you have to live there. A home in a nice condition is a home that’s pleasant to live in. But if you’re constantly having to deal with maintenance issues, or your home is damp, it can reduce your quality of life and make being at home more annoying and stressful than it needs to be.

Insulation and Roofing

The roof is a major structural component of your home. It keeps you and your family warm, dry, and protected from the elements. Unfortunately, it can get damaged over time, which makes it less effective.

A roof will generally last about twenty years before it needs to be replaced, but this can depend on the kind of roof you have and the local climate. Storms and harsh weather can damage a roof, so always check your roof for issues after high winds.
You can inspect your roof from the ground just by looking for anything unusual like missing or displaced tiles. If you have a loft or an attic, you could also go up there and check for holes in the roof or visible insulation.

If there are problems, contact a professional who can fix your roof or replace it if necessary. Working on a roof is dangerous.
Another thing to consider is the insulation in your loft or attic space. As well as keeping harsh weather out of your home, your roof keeps warmth inside your home. Your insulation may need replacing over time to make sure your heating and air conditioning are efficient.

Doors and Windows

Another way to make sure your home is sufficiently insulated is to check the doors and windows of your property. Over time, the seals may fail or your doors and windows might become less effective insulators.

This means that more hot or cold air can pass through your windows. If you’re paying money to keep your home at a certain temperature, you will have to spend even more to contend with poor insulation.

Another potential issue with old or broken doors and windows is that your home becomes less secure. Insects and other pests can make it through cracks and crevices, and if the locking mechanism isn’t working properly, your home might be more vulnerable to a break-in.
If it comes down to it, you’re better off investing in new doors and windows to keep your home safe, secure, and well insulated.


The plumbing is one of those things that you need to fix sooner than later if there are any issues. Even if it’s a seemingly minor problem, it’s worth looking into.

For example, a dripping faucet might seem like a small irritant. But that faucet will waste gallons of water in months, and you’re footing the bill for all of that. That water can also cause damage if it gets into your cupboards or increase the risk of mold forming. Fixing a problem like this can be a simple case of replacing or tightening a couple of cheap parts.

More complicated plumbing problems should be dealt with by a professional. If a pipe suddenly bursts or you have a major plumbing disaster, call an emergency plumber right away. The sooner things are fixed, the more you can mitigate the damage.
Water damage can affect your belongings and even the structure of your home, potentially causing damp. Control it and ideally fix it before small problems get any more severe.


The flooring of your home might not seem like the most important decorative feature, but your flooring says and does a lot for your property. Some floors, like carpets, are great for adding extra warmth and insulation to certain areas. Rugs have a similar effect.
Hardwood floors are beautiful and can be easy to clean, but you have to take care of real wood. Check for damage and treat the floorboards when necessary. This will keep your floor in good repair for longer. While wood floors are expensive, they can last forever if you know how to take care of them.

Consider different flooring options for different rooms. Tiles, for example, are great in bathrooms and kitchens because they don’t get damaged by water and are very easy to clean. They’re also attractive and can have a cooling effect.
While changing the floors in your home might seem like a big job, it’s more than worth it once your property is finished with its brand new floors.

Electrical Work

When it comes to safety, the most important thing to check is your electrical system. Older properties can sometimes have very creatively installed electrics, to put it politely. This massively increases the chance of fire or other electrical issues, like blackouts or blown fuses.
As you can imagine, electricity can be incredibly dangerous if it hasn’t been installed correctly. As well as the increased fire risk if sparks fly in your home, there’s also the possibility of electrocution and damage to your appliances.

If you’re moving into an older property, make sure to pay an electrician to check the electrics throughout the house. It’s better to be safe and spend a little money for a survey than be sorry when the system blows after you’ve moved in.

If you notice sparks or other issues with your outlets, again, it’s best to hire an electrician. The risk of electric shock is too high to try to just do things yourself, especially if you haven’t had any training. This way, you know the job will get done safely and correctly.

The Exterior of Your Home

Finally, you should consider the exterior of your home. While the roof definitely counts, it isn’t all there is. While checking your roof for damage, it’s a good idea to also inspect the rest of the walls and other outside features of your home.

For example, have you noticed any cracks in your walls? If so, check the inside and outside of the wall. Some cracks are cosmetic and are just due to damaged plasterwork, but a crack can also be a sign of structural damage.

Check your gutters and drains for issues such as blockages or breaks. You may need to clean your gutters fairly regularly to keep them free of debris. After storms, more debris can collect in your gutters. If you don’t clean them, it can cause damage to your gutter or even your roof.

Consider the outside plasterwork and paint, if you have any. As well as looking good, this can weatherproof your home. If you intend to repaint your property, you will need to remove previous layers, especially if they are peeling already. This will keep your property looking its best for much longer and preserve the paint job.