Sometimes, we look at others and think that they are having a very easy career and life when compared to ours. This can be a mix of envy and other emotions, but the truth is that we don’t actually know how it feels to be in someone else’s shoes.

In this article, we talk about some jobs that look very easy on the surface but that are actually super hard to do day by day. So, if you always wondered what it is like to be a model, a writer or some other career, we will feature in this article. Continue reading and find out all about it.


Many people out there think that being a model is extremely easy but that’s very far away from being true. First of all, exercising and taking care of your body and your nutrition is one of the main things you need to do all the time. Now, it’s getting a little better but models have been pressured to lose weight and look a certain way. This can bring a lot of internal struggles and many health concerns.

People look at models as if they were effortlessly beautiful and fit but there is so much work behind this profession, and not many people realize it. Modeling requires a lot of discipline, self-control, commitment and sacrifice. Plus, people often make the mistake of generalizing modeling as one single job, but there are many kinds of models out there who specialize in different sectors.

For example, many people nowadays are learning how to sell feet pics, as the industry for this kind of picture is blooming in different directions. It is a get-rich-quickly kind of job but it requires a lot of work.


People out there have a wide range of opinions about the police but that does not change the fact that working in that sector is extremely challenging. Many of us have the (wrong) perception of police hanging out in their cars and eating donuts but that’s not at all how that job is. It requires strategic skills, physical strength and resilience and it is a job where you actually risk your life.

There are many different sectors of the police, that’s true, and it is safe to say that not every country is the same when it comes to working as a police. But at the same time, people often underestimate the stress and the danger that these people face day by day.


Haven’t you dreamed of becoming an influencer? And at the same time, many of us don’t actually know what the life of these people look like. Influencers often suffer from a rather extreme lack of privacy, and feel forced to put their lives on display. It is a very specific kind of lifestyle, and to do it right, you have to feel bulletproof against negative judgment from others all the time.

People who embark on this career often misjudge the pressure that comes from having to face other people’s opinions all the time, as the internet is a place where people can speak their minds in an unkind and uncensored manner.


Some individuals have a real talent for sports, and they make that talent become their career. We often look at soccer players and think that they are paid too much compared to what they actually do, and that might be correct. At the same time, we have no idea of how it feels like to work with your body all day long, every single day.

Your body becomes your own capital, and you have to take care of it and use it, even when you don’t feel like exercising or playing in a match. This is another job that requires a lot of inner strength, commitment and absolute devotion. People often do not realize that.

In Conclusion

In this article, we talked about some of those jobs that look very easy but that are, in fact, quite hard to do. We talked about models, police, influencers and athletes and showcased how their lives look much easier than they actually are. Now, thanks to this article, you can gain a better understanding of these professions and take into account their struggles, which are often not portrayed as they should be.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that it gave you a concise and clear overview of some of the most underrated jobs so next time you will look at a model or an athlete you will know how hard they worked to get where they are today.