With Britain likely to face more extreme heat in future years, many drivers will be reaching for their car’s air conditioning controls to stay cool on the road.

However, few realise their vehicle’s air-con system requires periodic maintenance to function optimally. One crucial aspect of this upkeep is aircon regassing – the process of replenishing the refrigerant gas that cools the air.

While often overlooked, getting a routine aircon regas offers numerous benefits that extend beyond just keeping you comfortable on hot days. Below, we explain why this simple maintenance task is so important for your vehicle’s performance, efficiency, and longevity.

Enhanced cooling efficiency

The primary benefit of regassing your aircon consistently is that it maintains optimal cooling efficiency. Over time, refrigerant gas naturally depletes from your car’s air conditioning system, reducing its ability to cool the air effectively. By replenishing this gas through regassing, you ensure that your AC can produce cold air quickly and consistently, even on the hottest days.

This improved cooling efficiency enhances your comfort and helps maintain a safe driving environment by preventing fatigue and maintaining alertness during long journeys in warm weather.

Improved air quality

Getting a regas can also significantly improve the air quality inside your vehicle. As part of the regassing process, technicians often clean the system, removing any built-up bacteria, mould or other contaminants. This cleaning, combined with fresh refrigerant, helps your AC system circulate cleaner, fresher air throughout the cabin.

For allergy sufferers or those with respiratory issues, this improved air quality can make a noticeable difference in comfort and health during car journeys.

Increased fuel efficiency

Surprisingly, a well-maintained air conditioning system can contribute to better fuel efficiency. When your AC system is low on refrigerant, it works harder to cool the air, putting additional strain on the engine and increasing fuel consumption.

By keeping your system properly gassed, you ensure it operates at peak efficiency, reducing the load on your engine and potentially saving money at the pump.
Prevention of costly repairs

Maintaining your AC system’s refrigerant levels can help prevent more serious and costly failures. Low refrigerant levels can cause the compressor to overheat and fail, leading to expensive repairs or even full system replacement.

Consistent regassing reduces the risk of these major component failures, potentially saving hundreds or even thousands of pounds in repair costs over the life of your vehicle.

How often should I regas my aircon?

Most vehicle manufacturers and automotive experts recommend regassing your car’s air conditioning system every two to three years. However, if you notice reduced cooling performance or strange odours coming from your vents, it may be time for a regas sooner. It’s also a good idea to have your AC system checked and potentially regassed before long summer road trips to ensure optimal performance when you need it most.