In a study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, it was found that 80% of drivers had some form of road rage or aggression within the last 30 days of having completed the survey. The prominence of road rage throughout the United States is rampant and alarming, and all drivers have a responsibility to help prevent this from happening. However, what even causes road rage in the first place? Are there any underlying causes or conditions that result in these behaviors? In this article, we will explore various forms, common causes, and dangers of road rage in an effort to bring awareness and help reduce the incidence of it.

Examples of Road Rage

The behaviors that a driver exhibits when they have road rage are unique to each individual, however, here are some examples of road rage that are most commonly seen:

  • Speeding
  • Failing to obey traffic signals
  • Tailgating
  • Cutting other drivers off
  • Yelling
  • Throwing objects
  • Cursing
  • Making offensive hand or facial gestures
  • Excessive lange changes
  • Side swiping
  • Repeatedly flashing headlights
  • Racing
  • Slamming on one’s breaks (brake checking)

Common Causes of Road Rage

Generally speaking, there is an underlying reason as to why people develop road rage – it usually does not just appear out of the blue. Furthermore, here are some common causes:


Encountering traffic while driving on the road is perhaps one of the most common contributors to road rage. Without a doubt, getting stuck in traffic is frustrating as it can interfere with your plans or cause extreme boredom. However, being stuck in traffic is no reason to engage in the risky behaviors associated with road rage.

Running Late

Another common reason why people develop road rage is because they are running late. Of course, nobody likes to be late, but acting irrationally and driving erratically is ultimately not going to speed up the process or get you there any faster. If anything, engaging in these behaviors will likely slow you down.

Heightened Emotions

Emotions are another reason that road rage results. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for sadness, anger, fear, and stress to interfere with one’s everyday behaviors, and this may ultimately be reflected in the way in which someone drives. Although coping with difficult times and intense emotions can be overwhelming, road rage is not the answer for coping.


A final cause of road rage is intoxication. Driving under the influence (DUI) of either (or both) alcohol or drugs is not only illegal but it is extremely dangerous to the driver, passengers, and all individuals on the road. When an individual is intoxicated, they will be unable to safely operate a motor vehicle and are very likely to participate in aggressive driving behaviors.

The Dangers Associated With Road Rage

There are several dangers and potential consequences of road rage including property damage, tickets or fines, and even jail time. However, perhaps the greatest danger is the occurrence of a fatal or serious car accident. If you are injured in an automobile accident caused by road rage, you must seek legal help from a car accident attorney in San Antonio, TX to recover the compensation and damages you may be entitled to.