Traffic accidents are on the rise in Georgia, leading to more injuries and fatalities on the state’s roads. Recent data shows that traffic deaths increased from 2020 to 2021, reaching 1,776 fatalities. This reverses a previous downward trend – Georgia traffic fatalities had declined since a peak in 2007 but bounced back during the pandemic.

Authorities cite excessive speeding, distracted driving, driving while impaired, and lack of seat belt use as major factors behind the elevated crash rates. Approximately one quarter of all traffic fatalities in Georgia in 2021 involved an impaired driver, while over half of those killed were not properly wearing a seatbelt.

With over 2,500 drivers involved in deadly wrecks in 2022 statewide, many Georgia motorists will unfortunately find themselves involved in a collision. If you’ve been in a serious auto accident, you may be wondering if you should hire a car accident attorney. Here’s a look at the key times when legal help can make a difference after a crash.

Liability Is Unclear

After a collision, liability (fault) is not always obvious or agreed upon. If the cause of the accident is disputed, if multiple parties may be liable, or if you’ve been wrongly accused of causing the crash, an attorney can investigate and fight for your rights. With their knowledge of Georgia accident laws and experience negotiating with insurance adjusters, a car accident lawyer can determine who should pay for your damages.

Injuries Are Severe

If a crash results in grave injuries with crushing medical bills and lost income, a lawyer can help you pursue maximum compensation. Permanent disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, back and neck trauma, and other serious injuries often warrant legal representation to recover damages for medical costs, pain and suffering, and loss of future earnings.

The Insurance Company Behaves Unfairly

Insurance adjusters represent the company’s interests, not yours. If an insurer tries to lowball you on a settlement offer, denies your claim without cause, or drags its feet paying what you’re owed, a lawyer can fight for the compensation you deserve. An attorney knows how to handle uncooperative insurers and can take the case to court if needed.

You Are Unsure of Your Legal Options

The claims process after an accident can be complex, especially when multiple parties and insurance policies are involved. Without legal training, you may not know what damages you’re entitled to or how to maximize your payout. A lawyer will evaluate your case, inform you of your options, and handle the paperwork and negotiations. Their expertise can get you a larger settlement or court award.

The At-Fault Party Is Uninsured

As stated by Augusta car accident lawyer Chace Hawk, if the driver who caused your crash doesn’t have insurance, you’ll need to go after their assets directly to recover damages. But finding and collecting compensation from an uninsured driver is tricky without legal help. A lawyer can request the court seize assets, garnish wages, put liens on property, and take other steps to get the compensation you deserve.

You Don’t Have Time

Severe injuries, medical appointments, car repairs, missed work and other crash burdens can consume your time. An attorney takes the workload off your plate – filing claims, corresponding with insurers, obtaining police reports, researching case law, and handling other accident-related tasks. Their legal team will work diligently on your case while you focus on recovery.

The Bottom Line

Any serious, complex or wrongful car accident warrants consultation with an attorney. Most Georgia car accident lawyers offer free case reviews and take cases on a contingency fee basis, charging a percentage only if they succeed. So, you have little to lose – and a lot to gain – by having a skilled attorney on your side after a collision.