It’s not uncommon for adults to return to school these days. It is one of those weird little quirks of life that at the age of 18, we expect all of our teenagers to know what they want to do with their whole futures while still having to ask for a bathroom pass to go to the bathroom during school hours. At 18 years old, nobody should be asked to choose what they want to do for the rest of their lives. The decisions that you make when you’re 18 don’t often resonate with the person you are by the time you’re 30. So what often happens is you end up with significant Student debt for a career that you’re not going to ever go down because of the fact that the person you were when you were 18 made that decision.

If we could change the world, we’d have everybody going to college when they’re 30 and not before then, so that they can use their most important years to explore who they are and learn what they want.It’s why you see so many adults returning to school. They’ve discovered who they are and what they want, and now they want to go and do better for themselves. So I’m going back to improve on their business skills and others go back to get their masters in a new field so that they can segue into a new career. If you’ve been on the fence as to why you should go back to school, here are our reasons for it.

  1. Because you want to. Whether it’s taking a continuing education course or spending a few years finishing a degree, these tasks could have a huge impact on your life in a positive way. Doing it for yourself can make you push harder towards your goals. Achieving those goals can be tedious, but you just keep on reaching forward.
  2. You want more for your family. If you’re looking to go back to school as an adult, it might be because you want to do more for your family and show them that you can do what you’ve always said you wanted to do. The reward of graduating is always worth the wait, and toiling over coursework in the middle of the night doesn’t sound inspiring. But doing what it takes to accomplish what you need to accomplish is the best way to lead by example, especially if you’ve got teenagers.
  3. You want to do well in your career, from achievement to advancement. Continuing education and certifications involve specialized training within an industry or job field. Whether you are a healthcare professional who wants to switch from nurse to doctor or you are somebody in psychology looking to work in a prison, there are so many courses that can help you to become an expert in your subject. Moving up within your current role might also be your reason for going back to school. Earning your degree could help you in the long run for that.