Sometimes you just have to talk about poop, though. My brother and I were laughing hysterically at dinner the other night over the topic of naming your bowel movements using movie titles.
'The Least Common Denominator' is the work of German Transportation Designer Oliver Elst. For his bachelor thesis he chose to create a project where he found the least common denominator out of simplicity and lightness.
My first episode of hosting 60sr is live and though it isn't a topic I'm use to covering, it was a nice way to stretch my hosting wings a bit.
Damn that Jimmy Kimmel, always messing things up. He blames the studio for pushing him to an earlier time-slot, but I think he just had it out for my favorite QVC show, "Knife Guys".
Richard Kuklinski was one of most notorious hit-men working for the DeCavalcante crime family and New York City's Five Families. His story is now being brought to the big screen in The Iceman
Since the dawn of the Internet and Wikipedia, our shelves have become a grave for our books to pile up in dust and be forgotten. Not anymore.
Globetrotters better step up their tired act, because the Hungary acrobatic sport team Faceteam are pretty awesome.
Remember those really expensive tables Microsoft created? You know, the ones only Bill Gates could afford? Well it looks like they now have a strong competitor.
THE ROCKTHROWER is the type of story that made me wish I had spent my weekends with friends at the local comic shop.
POSE, the app where you can show off what you're wearing and tag it. I know what you are probably thinking, "Joe, do we really need ANOTHER social network?"