If I was to say I have an addiction to a television show it would have to be Breaking Bad. I'm not sure if it's the word "BITCH" being used every other scene by Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) or the insanely awesome plot lines.
Meet Cheebo, a short haired blonde beauty you will absolutely fall in love with. I know I did when I came across her on Instagram.
Society6 user, Vanadium, paid homage to the Game of Thrones by taking their houses and making them into sports team logos. See them after the jump...
University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor is a legend for riding his skateboard between classes. Not only does he skate, but Tom Winter rides in style, well according to his meme captions.
Photographer Agan Harahap from Indonesia has found a way to implement our superhero pop culture icons into old vintage photos from the past. See the manipulations after the jump...
With the popularity of the Game of Thrones I doubt this top 10 list will be relevant in the next couple weeks. Either way I felt the need to put together some of my favorite memes created from the show. See the images after the jump...
As if there isn't enough food porn on the internet these days, I had to go and tease you with these hyper-realistic food paintings by Mary Ellen Johnson. Yes, if you can actually believe it, these food portraits are paintings!
A collection of photos of the lovely Brooklyn Decker. This girl gives Kate Upton a run for her money with her voluptuous body. See the photos after the jump...
In case you needed any validation of how awesome Mike Diva is, here it is. Mike Diva pairs Street Fighter's Jun vs. Vega.
Imagine if you were to crack open an egg for your delicious breakfast, and you find another egg? Or maybe you whack a shuttlecock too hard, aka. a birdie, and out bursts an egg? These are concepts that can only come from the mind of London-based artist, Nancy Fouts.