Falling asleep at the wheel is a major problem on America’s roads today. Despite what many people think, drowsy driving is responsible for more car accidents than you might think. Fatigue-related car accidents are a leading cause of death and injury on our nation’s highways.

Drowsy driving is especially a problem for young people. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 60% of college students say they have driven while drowsy in the past year. And of those, 37% say they have done so frequently.

Several things can contribute to drowsy driving, including not getting enough sleep, working long hours, taking certain medications, and drinking alcohol. If you feel sleepy behind the wheel, it’s important to pull over and rest or take a nap.

The importance of being rested when driving

It’s no secret that drowsy driving can be extremely dangerous. Fatigue is a major contributing factor to car accidents all over the world. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that drowsy driving was responsible for 72,000 crashes and 44,000 injuries in the United States in 2013 alone.

So what exactly makes drowsy driving so dangerous? When you’re tired, your reaction time slows down, and your ability to make split-second decisions is impaired. You’re also more likely to take risks you wouldn’t normally take when you’re well rested.

All of this can add to a recipe for disaster on the road. That’s why ensuring you get enough rest before getting behind the wheel.

The dangers of driving while fatigued

Driving while exhausted can be just as risky as driving while intoxicated. Drowsy driving contributes to 100,000 car accidents yearly, resulting in 1,550 fatalities and 71,000 injuries.

Most people are aware of the dangers of drinking and driving, but many don’t realize that being tired can have the same effect on your ability to drive safely. When you are exhausted, it can be tempting to continue, but the risk is not worth it. Since your reactions are slower, and your judgment is impaired.

You may not see hazards in time to avoid them or make poor decisions when faced with a split-second choice.

What to do after a car accident?

Contact an experienced attorney immediately before making any decisions or saying anything to the other driver that could be used against you.

Laws differ depending on which city and state your accident happened in, therefore it’s important to hire an attorney licensed in the state where the accident happened. For example, if your accident happened in Orlando, seek the help of experienced car accident lawyers serving Orlando. They’ll be able to guide you through the legal process and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

You want an attorney with extensive experience handling auto accident cases. Look for someone who has been practicing law for several years and has successfully represented many clients. They must know the laws surrounding auto accidents. They should be able to explain the legal process to you and answer any questions you may have.

Find someone dedicated to fighting for your rights and be available to answer your calls or meet with you in person to discuss your case.

The causes of driver fatigue

The most common causes are lack of sleep, driving at night, and taking medications that make you drowsy. Other factors include working long hours, drinking alcohol, and having a medical condition that makes you tired.

Most people think they can push through their fatigue and still be safe on the road. However, research shows that even a small amount of sleep loss can significantly impact your ability to drive safely.

The symptoms of driver fatigue

Fatigued driving is a serious issue because it can lead to devastating car accidents. The symptoms of driver fatigue can be easy to spot, and there are a few key warning signs that you should be aware of.

Look for the telltale signs of driver fatigue: yawning, difficulty keeping your eyes open, rubbery legs, daydreaming, and slow reaction times. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to take immediate action.


Most of us have experienced fatigue while driving, whether from a long day at work or a late night out. And while we may be able to push through it and make it to our destination safely, some are not so lucky. Pull over and take a break if you feel tired while behind the wheel. It’s better to arrive late than not at all.