The iconic work of Jean-Michel Basquiat, an American art legend, has been beautifully transformed into a deck of playing cards by Theory11.
The featured artist this week is 24-year old abstract painter and teacher Rachel Reinert. Her work has been sold internationally, as well as to the public and even private venues.
Artist Lee Romao has brought back a feeling nostalgia with his 3D rendition of the iconic Popeye. His version is slightly more rugged than the cartoon we are use to seeing, with a more shredded physique and hand tattoos that say "HOLD FAST".
German designer and illustrator Andreas Preis has single handedly illustrated some of my favorite heroes from film: John Rambo, Terminator, Mr. T, John McClane and Mr. Miyagi.
Imagine if you were to crack open an egg for your delicious breakfast, and you find another egg? Or maybe you whack a shuttlecock too hard, aka. a birdie, and out bursts an egg? These are concepts that can only come from the mind of London-based artist, Nancy Fouts.