Writer and photographer Ray Mock has created Banksy in New York ($35), a book that recounts Banky's month-long project in New York in 2013.
You've probably seen his photo online before and thought, "there is no way this isn't Photoshop'd." Dr. Life is not only legit more ripped than you have ever been, he is likely three-times your age.
Cookbooks are usually filled with recipes and pictures of food. The Bible of Barbecue on the other hand, actually helps you cook your meals.
Josh Cooley has made what might be the best illustration book for kids young adults, Movies R Fun! ($10 USD). Best known as a Pixar writer and artist, Cooley illustrated hilarious, and somewhat inappropriate scenes from R-rated flicks.
In the early 1900's over 2500 photographs were taken by the New South Wales Police Department of criminals as they brought them in off the street.
The name may throw you off into think this book is only for the DIY moonshine enthusiasts, but it isn't. The Kings County Distillery Guide to Urban Moonshining: How to Make and Drink Whiskey is quite a bit more.
Across the Ravaged Land is the final volume in Nick Brandt's triology of books documenting the disappearing animals of eastern Africa.
Carli Davidson is an internationally acclaimed animal photographer who shows off her patience in her new collection titled Shake.
Remember those Little Golden Books your mom use to read to you before bed? Well, animator Joebot created a few of his own using popular video games: Bioshock, Portal, and Skyrim.
Pin-up girls are nothing new, but the team behind the SuicideGirls have found a way to reinvent them throughout the years.