Do you want to start working out again? Maybe you want to start hitting the gym but for some reason, you just can’t find the motivation to take a positive step towards your goals. Either way, if this sounds like you then now is the time for you to do something about that. If you take steps now then you will soon find that it is easier for you to start getting the results you want and that you can also begin to take care of yourself once more.

Ignore the Metrics

When you begin to work out again, the first thing you need to do is ignore the metrics. This is the best way for you to overcome your workout anxiety and begin focusing on yourself again. The first month you get a new bike you may feel worried about other people and feel self-conscious about riding. With that being said, if you train yourself to ignore the metrics then you will soon find that you can focus on your own personal goals which is great, to say the least. It is also the best way for you to overcome any jitters regarding starting over so keep that in mind.

Schedule a Workout

You also need to try and schedule a workout if you can. Set a time and a day for your workout so you can ensure that fitness is your priority. If you can do this while ensuring that you don’t cancel on yourself at the last minute then you will see a huge improvement in the way that you feel. Whether you prefer to work out in the mornings or at night, this is a great way for you to begin taking care of yourself and you will be surprised at the results you could achieve. Of course, if you can make it a non-negotiable part of your routine then this will help you out too, so be mindful of that.

Change your Focus

You also need to try and change your focus if you can. It takes a huge amount of time for you to begin a workout program, and it also takes a great deal of effort for you to engage with it. If you want to work around this then try and make sure that you take into account what’s going on in your life right now. If you have experienced an injury then it may take you a little longer to bounce back. You may also need to seek professional support to get back on your fitness game like you once were. If you have had a slip or a fall then you may be entitled to compensation, which could help you to gain the support you need to get going again. If this is the case then be sure to hire a slip and fall lawyer as they are great for giving you the help you need.

Change your Self-Talk

If you can, you also need to change up your self-talk. It may be that you need to stop giving yourself a hard time and that you try to overcome any mental barriers you may have. Everyone has a voice at the back of their heads that tells them that they aren’t good enough or that they need to do more. If this is the case with you then you need to learn how to quieten that voice. Make sure that you take steps to hold yourself accountable but at the same time, recognise when you are doing your bets and accept that it’s enough. If you can do this and if you can make sure that you are always keeping your headspace positive then you will see a huge improvement in the way that you feel overall.

Add Rest

Although it can be tempting for you to dive into a new routine, you do need to make sure that you build your endurance slowly and that you add plenty of rest days. If you can do this then you will soon find that you can get more out of each workout. Without it, you risk putting yourself in harm’s way. Pushing yourself too hard is just as bad as not pushing yourself at all, so be mindful of this and make sure that you are taking steps to put your mental health first. If you can do this then you will surely get the result you want and you may even find that you can stick with your new routine for longer too.