In today’s modern world, climate change is becoming a main priority. Although it’s fair to say that a large percentage of the blame can be placed on corporations with poor ethics, you can still make an effort to become more environmentally friendly in your own home on an individual basis. Fortunately it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might expect to lead a more eco conscious life at home, as there are many simple steps that you can follow to ensure you can reduce your carbon footprint and better protect Mother Nature. So, if you’re interested in finding out more about how you can get started today, then simply read on.

Switch To An Eco-Friendly Energy Source

One of the most effective steps that you can follow to help your home become more environmentally friendly is to switch to a more sustainable energy source. Most homes are connected to a kind of national grid that utilizes finite resources to provide power, whether this means gas, coal, oil or nuclear power. Each of these power sources has their own environmental side effects and issues that make them a bad choice for those trying to protect the planet, as finite resources will soon run out and be left totally empty, while the waste produced from dangerously toxic power such as nuclear can have a half-life of several millions of years. Thankfully there are countless other environmentally friendly alternatives that you can explore to reduce your impact, with solar power being the most easily accessible option. Solar panels can be installed on the roof of your home or even in your backyard if you have the space, and they work by absorbing sunlight which is then converted into power for you to use inside your property. The most important thing that you need to bear in mind when you choose solar panels is their direction, as they need to be facing in a way that maximizes their sunlight absorption. If you’re not a location that is particularly sunny then don’t fret, as you can likely still access eco-conscious, sustainable energy from a dedicated provider who utilizes options such as hydropower instead. Switching to a sustainable power source inside your home will no doubt aid you in cutting your carbon footprint, so there’s no time like the present to make a change.

Change Your Eating Habits At Home

You might be surprised to find this out, but the food that you eat at home can actually have an enormous impact on the environment. It’s absolutely vital that you take the opportunity to eat an eco-friendly diet if you want to protect the planet from home, as you could be having a detrimental impact on the earth simply by consuming the wrong foods each day. One of the most notable issues that you need to look out for when attempting to eat a more eco-friendly diet at home is the food miles that your produce has traveled. Food miles show how long your food has had to travel from farm to fork, whether this includes truck, boat, plane or any other transport method. For example, when you purchase a banana from Costa Rica or Colombia but you live in a country such as the United Kingdom, then it’s clear that your banana has to travel more than 5000 miles simply to reach your local grocery store. Buying local produce to fill your cupboards with is such an effective way to reduce your negative impact on the planet, as you’ll no longer be funding the unsustainable and simply ridiculous practice of shipping food many thousands of miles around the globe. To add to this, it’s important to note that the animal agriculture industry is also having dire consequences on Mother Nature. Not only do animals such as cows produce masses of methane, one of the most damaging greenhouse gases, there’s also the risk of poor waste management. Animals such as pigs produce toxic waste that is extremely hard to get rid of safely, and many farmers allow their waste to seep into local waterways that can cause permanent, irreparable damage to habitats and wildlife. Cutting down the amount of meat that you eat at home can certainly reduce your impact on the planet, so this is a step you should consider if you want to lead a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Use Less Water

Do you leave your tap on when you’re brushing your teeth? Do you have extra lengthy showers lasting for longer than is truly necessary? Then it might be time for you to start making an effort to use less water. The total amount of water that your household gets through each and every month can be dramatically influenced by the small habits that you have (such as those mentioned above), as you’ll no doubt get to the end of the month with a sizable bill thanks to your enormous water usage. Using a lot of water can be bad for the planet for a number of different reasons, but one of the main issues is the simple fact that clean water is becoming less accessible. In some cities and areas, clean water is still not a standard – in fact, in some locations the water provided is tainted with chemicals, waste and more. Conserving water should always be a main priority if you want to be more eco-friendly, as the less water you use, the less water you waste. Whether you decide to take shorter showers, flush your toilet less frequently or even switch your washing machine onto ‘eco’ mode to use less water, there are several steps that can be taken inside your home to help save water! This can also help you to realise that clean water should never be taken for granted, as it’s a privilege that many people do not have access to. The money that you save on your water bill can be donated to charities committed to bringing clean water to those who need it in the most sustainable fashion – what’s not to love?!

Change Your Windows

If you find that you often have your heating on full blast to combat the cold feeling inside your home, then this actually provides you with the perfect opportunity to make a surprisingly environmentally friendly switch. Deciding to upgrade to energy efficient home windows that are thickly glazed will prevent heat from escaping while blocking out the cold air successfully, meaning you will be able to turn your heating right down and use a lot less energy! Changing your windows can have an enormous impact on the total power that you get through during the winter months, as you can simply shut your windows to act as a strong barrier in between your cosy home and the harsh icy temperatures outdoors. You will no longer need to crank up your heating and eat through canister after canister of gas to stay warm, all with one easy investment. It’s fair to say that your windows will no doubt be the worst culprits when it comes to heat loss, so if you take steps to upgrade yours, then you will be achieving and maintaining ultimate levels of energy efficiency inside your home! If you want to take things further, you can even source second hand energy efficient windows so that you don’t need to manufacture a whole new set with new materials. This would certainly be the most sustainable option to explore!

Try To Recycle More

Last but by no means least, if you want to run a more eco-conscious household then you need to try and recycle more. The amount of waste that the average home creates is quite alarming, but the idea that none of this waste has the potential to lead a second life is wrong. There are many materials which can be recycled and repurposed, including lots of different plastics, glass, metal, paper and more. Setting aside a dedicated recycling bin will make it easier for you to get into the habit of separating recyclable waste, and most local council services offer their own recycling pick up that you can make the most of to make sure your waste gets repurposed properly. Bad waste management in the form of trash heaps and more are a real burden on the environment, as they have long lasting impacts on nature that are extremely hard to reverse such as poisoning waterways or even being consumed by animals and aquatic life. Micro plastics are now found in the digestive systems of almost every sea creature, and this is something that each individual needs to take responsibility for by trying to recycle as much as possible. Responsible, sustainable trash management is a key aspect of eco-friendly home ownership.

Adapting your household so that you can help to support Mother Nature rather than contribute to its destruction has never been such a simple task when you can take the opportunity to utilize some of the effective ideas that have been carefully described above.