If you have some free time on your hands, one of the things that you might be considering doing is getting a new hobby. We think that this is a fantastic idea, and if it’s not something that you had thought about until you came across this article, we’re glad we could help. There are so many different hobbies and activities out there that you are quite literally spoilt for choice, so it’s down to you to work out which ones interest you, which ones don’t, and which one you want to try. Of course, you may not like the first one that you try, but that doesn’t mean that you should give up, just try something different.

In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the hobbies that you can consider taking up if you have some free time on your hands. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more about what some of them are.


Hiking with Friends

The first hobby that we are going to recommend is hiking. Hiking is always a good choice as it helps to keep you physically fit, it’s an active hobby which means that you won’t be sitting down all the time, and it’s good for you mentally. This is going to be a great choice for all types of people, but maybe at different levels. For example, if you know someone who is extremely physically fit, works out all the time, and has a lot of stamina and you’re the opposite, then they are going to have an easier time with this than you. That’s not to discourage you, but just to say that maybe you should start a little smaller in your hiking adventures and then work your way up.

Hiking is wonderful for helping you to build strength in your legs, helping you to pass walls mentally that you may have set for yourself, and generally assisting you in achieving your goals.

Crafting Beer

If you are interested in beer, then one of the things that you may want to consider is taking up crafting beer. While it might not sound like your typical hobby, it can actually be a lot of fun once you get into it. You can start with a kit from somewhere like the Perfect Brew Supply and then continue to make your own beer. If you find that you love this and that you have a passion for this, then you may even want to take this a little further. Some people decide that they want to do this more full-time, and they decide then that they want to make this into a career. Of course, we’re not saying that this is necessarily going to happen to you, but it’s happened before!

This is something a little different from normal which is what makes it such an appealing option. You get to do something that not everyone is doing, and it’s likely that you won’t meet other people doing the same thing unless you are meeting people specifically interested in this.


Have you ever thought about taking up art? If you are a creative soul, then this one may have stuck out to you initially. Now, we know that saying art is a very broad term, and that there are many different branches of art, but that’s what makes it so appealing. There are so many different ways that you can create something whether that’s using paint, pencils, other materials and so on. A lot of people seem to think that you have to have some kind of training or be good at art to take it up as a hobby, but this is entirely untrue.

You do not have to create masterpieces in order to have art as your hobby. Some people just want to express their emotions, some people just want to see something pretty on the page, and some people just feel the need to make art. At the end of the day, the art that you create does not have to be seen by people if you do not want it to be, so you have the control.


Some people don’t see reading as a hobby, but we can assure you that it is. Reading is probably one of the best hobbies in the world for a whole range of reasons, but one of them is that it allows you to escape reality for a while. You can be sucked into another world with the characters. You end up rooting for them as though they are your very own friends in your life. You laugh with them, you cry with them, and you feel as though you belong to a world that doesn’t even exist, which is entirely magical on its own.

Reading is a quiet hobby, and one that some people don’t like because it requires sitting down and concentrating, but it’s well worth it if you can manage to do this. You will live a thousand different lives when you are reading, some of which are going to be better than others, but all of which are going to be an adventure.

Extreme Sports

If you are more of an adrenaline junkie and thrill seeker, then perhaps extreme sports might be more up your alley. Of course if you are going to be taking up an extreme sport or more, you need to be very careful. You will need to train and learn with experienced professionals before you can actually do anything here as safety is always going to be the top priority. Some of these might include skydiving, bungee jumping, white water rafting and so many more. Do your research, see if any of them appeal to you, and then make a decision from here.

The thrill when you complete any of these sports is incredible, and it’s something that we recommend everyone experiences at least once in their lifetime. Even if you don’t end up taking it up as a hobby, you should at least experience that feeling in your stomach and the surge of adrenaline that follows once.


Are you someone who enjoys writing? If so, then blogging could be the right way forward for you. This is something that you can do in your spare time, doesn’t have to impact any of your obligations that you already have, and you can come and go as you please. Some people find that this is a super great way for them to talk about all of the feelings that they don’t express to the people around them, or the things that interest them that they feel their friends don’t really care about.

Some people take blogging further if they find that they have a large reader base, and they end up making money from this, but this is a long way off. Never start blogging in the hopes that you are going to make money from it because it is extremely hard to do. Just use this as a hobby to talk about the things that you like, and keep the pressure out of it.


Woodworking is a type of art we suppose, but we wanted to give this its own subheading. This is something for those people who are good with their hands, who like to build or create things, and who have the basic necessary skills not to injure themselves doing so. There are classes that you can take if you would like to learn more about the skills necessary, what equipment is best for what and so on. Or, if you think that you can teach yourself then you can go online and find some of the guides that show you how to do this.

You can create so many different things when you get into woodworking, it just all depends on your skill level. Eventually if you stick with it you can probably be making entire structures for your home if you wanted to. Don’t give up when things start to get hard or when you can’t master something straight away. We all struggle at times, so remember that.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the hobbies that you can consider taking up if you have free time on your hands. Hobbies are always a good way to fill your free time, keep you occupied and bring some enjoyment into your life. You never know, sometimes it’s going to be the hobbies that you would have least expected to appeal to you that turn out to be some of your favorites. It might take a little time, as well as a trial and error approach to find the hobby or hobbies that are best for you, but you will get there. At the very least, you get to try out a little bit of everything! We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage to find something to bring you joy.