It’s not enough to keep yourself groomed and looking your best, whether going to work, hitting the town, or even hanging out at home. You need to make sure your house looks as good as you do. However, if you live alone, there is little incentive to keep things looking spotless. For one, you feel you don’t make enough of a mess anyway, and if you don’t entertain a lot of visitors, who’s going to know? No one likes a slob, though, so your bachelor pad should still be something you are proud of, and here is some advice to ensure a clean home.

Get the Basics Down

It’s easy to form bad habits when living alone, so the least you can do is get the basics down as soon as possible. This includes making your bed, wiping trimmed hair away from the sink, and washing your dishes after using them, rather than letting them soak. These small but effective habits help establish the foundations of your cleaning routine, and even if you’re feeling too lazy to vacuum or dust, at least you aren’t distracted by a messy bed or a pile of dirty dishes in the sink.

Don’t Try It All At Once

Whether you live in a house or an apartment by yourself, the idea of cleaning everything from top to bottom is overwhelming. This makes it difficult to find the motivation to even start because, by the time you finish, you feel you need to start all over again. This is the wrong approach, anyway. You don’t need to clean everything in a single day, especially considering how much else you have going on. Instead, focus on one place at a time. Vacuum when you get home on Monday, clean the kitchen on Tuesday, and so on. Breaking your chores into manageable chunks is much more appealing, so it won’t be hard to find motivation.

Prioritize The Most-Used Areas

The two most used areas in your home will be the living room and your kitchen, so if you’re going to keep anywhere clean, focus on these two places. The kitchen will have crumbs, grease, and coffee stains all over, whereas your living room can get a little funky if you spend all evening on the sofa. When cleaning your home, make these two areas the ones you put the most effort into.

Consider Assistance

If you live a busy life and cannot find the time to keep your home in pristine condition, consider getting assistance. A weekly cleaning service can take the stress out of a messy home, while upholstery cleaning services are ideal for keeping your sofas in excellent condition. This also means you don’t need to purchase large quantities of cleaning products that you may never get through, offering a useful financial benefit, too.

Be Proud

It isn’t just about being proud of where you live in case someone drops by. A clean home will make you feel better. If you work from home, you don’t want to be distracted by clutter all day, and you don’t want to go on an expedition every time you need to find a fresh pair of socks. By keeping your home clean, you ensure everything has a place, and you have plenty to be proud of.