Sun protection tips

The power of the sun seems to have increased over the last century and protection from harmful UV rays has become a priority. Too much sun exposure can prematurely age the skin, cause cancer and prompt allergic reactions in those with sensitivity to sun exposure.

When you are gearing up to take your family on vacation, it’s important to recognize that proper protection is easy and allows you to enjoy time in the sun. Making sun protection part of your regular routine can save you from problems and complications from too much sun.

For some people, protecting your skin from cancer is enough reason to stay out of the sun. Unlike cancers like Mesothelioma that are often not the fault of the victim and can be championed by an attorney like the pros at Bergman Legal, skin cancers are up to each person to try to avoid. As a parent, it’s important to set a good example to keep yourself and your family safe from the strong power of the sun by adopting some of these protection strategies.


If you spend any time at all outside in the sun, it’s imperative to wear proper sunscreen. For the ultimate protection, you should be using a minimum of 50 SPF and reapplying your sunscreen every few hours. If you are spending time enjoying water sports you can find a sunscreen that is waterproof for protection.

Lip Balm

Your lips are a delicate part of your face that need to be protected. Lip balms with sunscreen additives are sufficient to keep your lips moisturized and safe from the sun.


Get rid of the squint with a good pair of sunglasses when you head out into the sun. Proper protection for your eyes is the best defense against UV damage. A pair of sunglasses that help protect your eyes from the glare of the sun can also help eliminate headaches and eye strain after a long day on the beach.

Long Sleeves

Light and breathable fabrics like cotton and linen can help keep you cool and protected in the summer heat. Wearing long sleeves can be comfortable and give you a high level of UV protection.


Long pants provide much more protection than shorts or skirts. Make sure to buy light and breathable fabrics that will keep you comfortable.

Sun Hat

If you love to spend time at the beach or working in the garden, it’s a good idea to find yourself a good quality sun hat. A wide-brimmed hat can protect your head, face, and neck from excessive exposure to the sun.

Avoid Sand

Spending time at the beach is wonderful but can make it hard to stay safe from the sun. Sand, in particular, can make it difficult for sunscreen to adhere properly and affect its protective performance.

Stay Dry

If you are spending a lot of time in the sun, it’s likely that you will be dealing with sweat. Sunscreen is less protective if you are active and sweating during your outdoor activities.

Protective Fabrics

There have been great leaps in technology in regards to sun protection. For people who suffer from sun allergy items like UV protectant fabrics, masks and clothing can make the sunny weather tolerable.

Limit Exposure

The best way to limit sun damage is to watch your exposure. This doesn’t mean that you can never enjoy the outdoors. Try scheduling your outdoor activities in the mornings or early evenings to avoid the harshest heat of the day.


Staying protected from the powerful rays of the sun is more important than ever before. Follow some of our tips to stay comfortable and protected from morning to night.