Dads are some of the busiest people in our society. Fatherhood is a full-time job, but most dads need to juggle many roles, like husband, businessman, and dad, simultaneously. With all those duties, it may seem too overwhelming to worry about the specific snacks your kids eat or what ways they entertain themselves. Making the right choices for your kids doesn’t have to be unnecessarily difficult or time-consuming. There are a few easy choices you can make that can benefit your kids for their entire lives—all without complicated life adjustments.
Set an Example
Kids are impressionable! They’ll often mimic what you do, especially as a dad they look up to. While this may be frustrating if you want an indulgent treat combined with a lazy day, consider it an opportunity for them to learn healthy behaviors from you. When your kids are watching, choose a more nutritious snack or meal. Instead of lying on the couch all day, spend a few minutes enjoying the outside air or lifting some weights. Varying your day with healthy activities not only improves your health but also sets a perfect example for your kids. Don’t underestimate the inspirational power of dads!
Stock the Kitchen Wisely
Instead of filling your pantry with overly processed foods and candy, make better choices in the grocery aisle. There are many snacks that kids love that are simultaneously healthy, like yogurt, canned fruit, chopped vegetables, and granola bars. If your kids are much younger, choose options like dried fruit snacks for toddlers to eat safely. Not only do healthier pantries promote healthier eating, but they can also show your kids that sweets don’t have to be unhealthy. There’s nothing wrong with an indulgence, but they should be moderated, not the only snack your kids can grab.
Make Cooking Fun
One of the best ways to ensure your kids are eating healthy is to cook at home. You may be tired after a long day of work or parenting, but you and your kids can have some relaxing fun by cooking together. Allow them to help you with kid-friendly cooking tasks—it will encourage them to eat the food they worked hard to prepare. Cooking can also help you all work up an appetite for even the healthiest meals. Kids will enjoy being involved in meal planning, grocery shopping, and even cleanup when you make it fun.
Hide the Veggies
A tried and true trick for many parents with picky-eating kids is to hide the vegetables in tastier foods. Grind or chop up some vegetables in spaghetti sauce or meatloaf. Include a wide variety of fruits in a homemade smoothie. Add some subtle vegetables in enchiladas or casseroles. There are many ways to sneak in some healthy ingredients in any dish, balancing your kids’ diet and giving you peace of mind in one fell swoop. The nutritional additions will be tasty and beneficial for you, too!
Play Physical Games
It may be tempting to spend all day with your kids playing video games, but it’s important for all of you to stretch your legs and move around once in a while. There’s nothing wrong with dedicating a portion of your play time to sitting around, but you’ll have a lot more enrichment and fun when you diversify your play time, especially with physical movement. Encourage your kids to use their bodies to play and have fun. Play Hide-and-Seek, Tag, or sports with your kids. They’ll have a ton of fun when their dad gets involved—you can prove how skilled you are at games like hide and seek as a bonus. Video games can be a fun reward after all that physical play. You can even get chores done by making them a fun game or competition that you and your kids can play.
Take It Outside
Nowadays, we’re more glued to our screens than ever. While technology has an important role in making life more convenient and efficient—especially to keep kids busy—there is such a thing as too much. As a dad, you can be a source of outdoor enrichment and play. Whether you just spend five minutes soaking up the sun or engage in a fun game of Tag or basketball, you can make your kids’ day by taking the fun outside. Outside time helps kids absorb Vitamin D from the sun, which is an essential nutrient to help your kids grow and thrive. Fresh air is healthy for the body, too, and can help lower your kid’s stress levels. Exposure to the sunshine can help them sleep better at night. These benefits can also extend to you—just make sure that prolonged sun exposure comes with sunscreen!
Make Bedtime Fun
It can be tough to get kids to go to sleep on time. Sleep is so important for their—and your—physical and mental health. A great way to make bedtime less of a struggle is to turn it into a routine. Routines aren’t easily established with kids—unless they’re fun. Make it a competition to see who can get ready for bed the fastest or who has the freshest toothbrushing breath. Have a dance party before bedtime to make it something to look forward to. Show your kids love and care by tucking them in or hugging them. With the right approach, your kids will be running into their beds!
Don’t Punish Honesty
It’s not unusual for kids to make mistakes or misbehave now and then. There’s nothing wrong with appropriate discipline to allow your kids to learn the consequences of their actions, but make sure you never punish them for being honest with you. If they’ve admitted they made a mistake or take responsibility for their misbehavior, thank them and encourage similar honesty in the future. If you punish them for telling you the truth, it will grow increasingly difficult to get the truth out of them. Encourage good habits and open conversations!
No one has time for hours of planning to establish good parenting habits. Oftentimes, the simplest behaviors and changes in routine can encourage the healthiest and happiest behaviors. Encouraging healthy eating, movement, honest conversation, and a good night’s sleep can help your kids become the best they can be. You don’t need to be a perfect dad—you just need to be a present and positive influence in their lives.