Have you ever seen a machine and said, “Wow! That’s impossible!” Well, it seems possible because some of the insane machines really defy common sense and logic. Whether it’s size, unusual design, or extreme functions, some of the machines push all the boundaries of physics and engineering.
But! Behind all this, there is a man (or more than one) who designs and operates these wonders. And what happens when and if these wonders fail? Even with the best-designed machines, the possibility of failure or error must always be considered, and the key to functionality lies in maintaining and understanding what makes them work and how to fix them.
The Wildest Machines That Defy Expectations
The Bagger 293 – The Largest Land Vehicle Ever Built
What Makes It Insane?
The Bagger 293 is the heaviest land vehicle in the world at an incredible 14,200 tons. It can move more than 240,000 tons of soil per day, precisely removing entire layers of soil to extract coal or other minerals.
How Does It Work And What Happens When It Breaks Down?
The Bagger 288 houses a whole wonder of hydraulic cylinders, motors, and conveyor belts and, unlike “regular excavators”, instead of buckets, it uses a huge rotating wheel that scrapes the soil and transports the material on conveyor belts. Given its size and complexity, even minor failures can disrupt operations, and spare parts involve custom manufacturing. A critical part of all of this is the hydraulic cylinder repair team, because it ensures smooth operation at all times, even during those heavy loads.
NASA’s Crawler-Transporter – A Moving City For Rockets
What Makes It Insane?
NASA’s Crawler-Transporter is an incredible mobile platform the size of a baseball field that carries rockets to their launch sites. It weighs almost 3,000 tons (US) and moves at a speed of 1 mph loaded (2 mph unloaded) with perfect stability even on uneven terrain.
How Does It Work And What Happens When It Breaks Down?
This crawler moves using 4 massive hydraulic crane systems, and also has an advanced track-to-bogey system that allows for even weight distribution and prevents sinking into the ground. Even the smallest failure results in major launch delays that can cost millions of dollars, so engineers are constantly checking the hydraulics to prevent fluid leaks and the like that can affect the stability and balance of the machine.
The Bertha Tunnel Boring Machine – The Behemoth That Dug Under Seattle
What Makes It Insane?
The Bertha was the largest tunnel-boring machine ever built. It was 17.5 m in diameter and 99 m long. It dug tunnels faster than “conventional methods” because it could drill through rock and move debris on conveyor belts.
How Does It Work And What Happens When It Breaks Down?
With a hydraulic system powered by 16,500 hp, it applied thousands of pounds of force per square inch breaking through concrete, rocks, and soil. However, this is where the “when and if” happened. The Bertha’s main bearing failed, delaying the work and costing millions of dollars. Although Bertha completed part of the job, it was ultimately ‘retired’ after an impressive job.
Why These Machines Shouldn’t Work — But Do
Extreme conditions require extreme machines, so engineers and designers have turned the impossible into possible. The reinforced hydraulics, which are the “hidden heroes” of all these machines, provide the force needed to lift, stabilize, and move massive structures. We can even say that it is perhaps the most important part of these incredible machines. We must not forget to mention the systems for proper weight distribution and precise control systems, without which all that force would be less important.
Maintenance of huge machines is very important because even the smallest detail can disrupt the overall functioning, that’s why there are sensors that monitor even the smallest changes in pressure, fluid, and mechanical wear that, if caught on time, can prevent failures worth millions.
And again, we return to the human factor, which plays the biggest role in these repairs. When failures do occur, repairs can be expensive and time-consuming, and the consequences are (usually) catastrophic. Preventive maintenance and constant monitoring of the operation and sensors are essential to prevent all this.
As technology advances and we find faster and easier ways to do certain jobs, we’re likely to see more and more of these incredible and incredibly useful machines.
However, while the machines themselves are a marvel, none of this would be possible without the human touch. From the very idea, design, and project to all that work monitoring and repairs. A closed loop to keep everything functioning at the highest level.
We can only continue to admire these monstrosities, their performance and hope that in the future they will be even more successful and even more incredible.