You've Got No Excuse To Be A Technophobe In The Modern World

There’s no getting away from it; you simply can’t separate the modern world from technology. These days technology is a part of every single aspect of our lives, from banking to shopping to talking to friends. There’s almost no part of a person’s life that technology hasn’t (for lack of a better word) invaded. Of course, that’s not to say that this is a bad thing. Technological advancements have resulted in some truly incredible things, ranging from medicine to communication. People are now able to keep up with friends even when they’re thousands of miles away. The most obscure and archaic knowledge is barely more than a mouse click away. It’s never been easier to manage your money or find the perfect gift for someone you love. That being said, there are still a lot of people who feel pretty apprehensive about technology. And that’s understandable. A lot of people have concerns about security and the effect that technology will have on their lives. But a lot of the time those fears can be put to rest with a little bit of extra knowledge. With that in mind here are all the steps that you need to take to go from a technophobe to a digital wizard!

Figure out what you need from it

One of the best ways to really start getting a better hold on technology and how it can improve your life is to look at it as the solution to a problem. There are plenty of things in your life that could well use some improvement and technology, and a better understanding of it can make a huge difference. Whether it’s the internet letting you work from home and gain a lot of control over your schedule or using an online service like Half Cooked to help you figure out the best possible mobile phone plan for you is, understanding technology can take a lot of the stress out of modern life. And, let’s face it, there’s nothing most of us need less these days than more stress.

Google is your friend

Even the biggest technophobe in the world knows about Google. It’s so well known and widely used that it’s actually become a part of our vocabulary. Don’t know a piece of information? Just Google it! When you’re starting your journey to better understand the crazy world of modern technology, remember this: Google is your best friend. If there’s any information that you’re unsure about or you don’t feel totally comfortable with something, just google it! A lot of the time people are afraid of getting scammed online. If you find yourself in a position when you’re not sure if something is legitimate or not, a quick google search will usually help you clear that up. This also means that anytime you come up with some technology that’s got you confused, google will usually guide you to a simple guide that can help things seem clearer. This doesn’t just apply to tech either; there’s pretty much nothing you can teach yourself with Google on your side. From carpentry to web design, there’s nothing Google can’t help you learn!

Get to know your software

If you own a computer or a smartphone then you probably already have software that you use pretty regularly. But how well do you really understand it? If you have a piece of software that you use regularly, get to know its features a bit better. Whether it’s Chrome, Microsoft Word or the banking app on your phone. Figure out all the things that it has to offer. Try to do something a bit different with it. If you usually only use Word for writing letters, try formatting things in different ways. Play around and have some fun with it! Not only will this make you feel more confident with that software but will actually teach you a lot of skills and techniques that you can transfer over to other, different software. Getting to know your software will also help you understand what you really need from it and help you better customize and personalize your user experience. Of course, if you ever find yourself stuck not knowing what to do next, you know where to go!

You've Got No Excuse To Be A Technophobe In The Modern World

Ask questions

Google is an amazing source of information, but it’s not the only one out there. Check out various social media sites and forums based on technology. They are usually full of tech-savvy experts who are more than happy to share their knowledge and understanding with you. This is especially good if you’re getting into more specific stuff that Google might not be able to help you with. Google is good for the broad strokes, but if you want to get really deep down the rabbit hole, there’s no substitute for asking for advice from an expert. There are forums online for just about everything you can imagine so whatever it is; there’s a pretty good chance you’ll be able to find someone to help. There are also plenty of courses that you can take to become vastly more skilled when it comes to technology.

Challenge yourself

Why not try something a little more complicated? If you’re really interested in getting a better understanding of technology then why not try something like some basic coding? This might seem massively intimidating since, for many people, coding practically seems like a different language. But if you start simple, you’ll find that a lot of coding is just a combination of knowing some specific language and then a lot of common sense. If you want to get started, Google and Youtube have thousands of tutorials that cover everything from the most basic code to being able to program dynamic and complex websites. Coding is one of those skills that’s becoming more and more important as time goes on and it’s one that, pretty soon, you might not be able to afford to go without.

Dive in!

There’s really only one way to truly become a tech master, and that’s to dive in headfirst! Embrace it and enjoy it! Technology is an incredible tool that has the power to improve your life in a whole host of different ways. And it’s always evolving so don’t worry if you feel like something is beyond your grasp. Even the most tech-savvy people in the world are sometimes left behind as technology develops at an ever-increasing speed. Don’t feel like you have to engross yourself completely in every single piece of tech that you come across. Just find the ones that you enjoy using, and that improve your life and get to know them well. With a little time and a bit of research, you’ll be a digital wizard in no time. After all, it’s your life, there’s no reason to spend your energy on something that’s not going to actually make it better.

Of course, none of this is to say that you need to spend all of your time obsessing over technology. There are plenty of things in modern life that are just fine done the old fashioned way. In fact, being able to find a balance between the two can be incredibly valuable. It gives you the chance to slow down and stop worrying about the sheer amount of stuff that most of us have to deal with on a day to day level while living in the modern world. Technology works in the same way as just about everything in this world: it’s all about moderation.