Examples of paper art

With the advent of the internet and digital art forms, new innovations are being offered up all the time, such as paper art. Paper art can mean Japanese origami, but it can also take the form of some of the fine examples in the article below. Paper art is delicate, intricate, and very beautiful.

Paper Cut Octopus

Nowadays, innovative artwork is more accessible and visible than ever before, thanks to social media and online marketing channels. Paper art is not limited to origami, as can be seen by the incredible paper-cut octopus by Japanese artist Masayo Fukuda that has been published online.

Luckily, you may still find Origami instructions online if you wish to learn this fascinating craft and challenge yourself by making more complicated designs. But for those without the patience or time, perhaps try out paper cutting instead.

The stunning paper-cut octopus depicts a giant octopus in an elegant pose; the piece has been cut intricately from a massic sheet of paper and was a huge hit on social media. A video of the octopus was viewed more than 10 million times, and it has been shared extensively overall.

Canon City

Canon City is an art piece commissioned by the global camera and technology brand; the piece was commissioned for the Canon Expo as a way to test the latest camera technology. In order for the piece to be successful, paper artist Hattie Newman has to make sure there was detail.

Canon City did not disappoint; in fact, it was a huge hit at the Canon Expo, where people marveled at the color, detail, and intricacy of the paper city. The Canon City is a unique piece that doesn’t model any real-life place; it is made to be beautiful and test the camera limits.


Art therapy has its fan base; others consider it a stressful process, but that wasn’t the case for Julie Wilkinson and Joyanne Horscroft – two individuals that comprise Makerie Studio. It was during a period of intense fear and anxiety that the pair decided to turn their fears into beauty.

“Circling” is the result; this piece depicts a beautiful scene of large winged birds made from gold leaf paper and set against a black paper backdrop. Creating the piece was a process of transformation for them, helping them work through stressful mind states and deal with anxiety.

Forest Folks

Forest Folk is a lovely example of the kind of paper art creations made by the French duo Zim&Zou. This studio is run by Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmerman, who have a reputation for creating beautifully detailed paper scenes that have appeared all around the world.

Forest Folks depicts a fantasy first scene where people or creatures live, the colors are magically alive, and the details can hold a viewer’s interest for some time. Forest Folk is one part of a series of scenes based on the theme of nature with plenty of fantasy elements.

Final Thoughts

Paper art has existed for centuries; it originated in Japan with the tradition of origami but is now a global enterprise. Paper art is no longer simply folded paper; it can be expansive and intricate at the same time. These examples of paper art only scratch the surface of what can be made.