If you have opened up Facebook this past week, then you have probably been inundated with PS5 and XBOX Series X news. But have you heard about the new player in the ongoing console war saga?

Today, Bud Light has announced their latest product and it isn’t beer. BL6 is a high powered gaming PC unlike any other. It features a one-of-a-kind self-cooling aluminum can pack for storing your Bud Lights while you game.

Here’s what we know:

  • A one-of-a-kind first-ever beer cooling system to store 12 oz. Bud Lights
  • A high-powered gaming PC pre-loaded with BandaiNamco games such as Tekken, Soulcalibur, and RBI Baseball 20
  • And a high-definition projector screen – just in case you want to take your game play off a traditional TV and project your game onto a large screen or canvas

BL6 Console Comparison

The BL6 will be a highly limited drop, so don’t expect to see these just laying around in your nephew’s room. If you are an avid gamer or Bud Light collection, keep an eye out for these to go live for auction on ShopBeerGear.com, with all proceeds being donated to The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation’s (NRAEF) “Change is on the Menu.” The new initiative from NRAEF is designed to help restaurant workers everywhere get back in the kitchen; 100% of every dollar donated will support NRAEF’s mission to empower and advance today’s and tomorrow’s restaurant workers.

BL6 Gaming Console BL6 Gaming Console BL6 Gaming Console BL6 Gaming Console

If you want to see a live unboxing of the BL6, tune in to one of my favorite people and Bud Light sponsored streamer, Tim The Tatman on Thursday, 11/19. It’s said he will be unboxing it sometime in the evening. I can’t wait!