“Bottled in Bond” is a term that originates from the United States and refers to a set of legal regulations concerning the production, bottling, and labeling of distilled spirits, especially bourbon and rye whiskey. Established by the Bottled-in-Bond Act of 1897, the designation serves as a mark of quality assurance for American spirits. To qualify as Bottled in Bond, a spirit must meet the following criteria:

  1. Production: The spirit must be the product of one distillation season (January–June or July–December) by a single distiller at a single distillery.
  2. Aging: It must have been aged in a federally bonded warehouse under U.S. government supervision for at least four years.
  3. Bottling Strength: The spirit must be bottled at exactly 100 proof (50% alcohol by volume).
  4. Labeling: The label must identify the distillery where it was distilled and, if different, where it was bottled.

The Bottled in Bond Act was initially passed to ensure the purity and quality of spirits, at a time when adulteration and misleading labels were common. It guaranteed that the consumer would receive a product that was produced entirely by one distiller in one season, aged for a specified period, and free of additives. This regulation not only helped improve the reputation of American distilled spirits but also provided consumers with a way to identify quality products.