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A car is almost a necessity in this day and age. It’s not exactly a complete requirement, but it makes pretty much everything you do much more straightforward. Sure, you could walk to work or the supermarket, and you could use public transportation, but the convenience of your vehicle is nice to have.
There’s a reason why the majority of the population does not own a luxury, exotic, or classic car. They are expensive. Once you invest your cash into such an automobile, you have to do whatever is needed to keep your investment safe, secure, and enjoyable for as long as possible.
When most people think about car maintenance, mileage will often be the biggest concern they have in mind. It makes sense that driving your car long distances will kill it quicker than going around the block once in a while.
When it comes to the things I own, I tend to hold onto them until they’re completely unusable. Holes in my clothes? No problem, I’ve got those sewing skills.
I know I can’t be alone when I say that the new Armor All Ultra Shine Wash Wipes look like they’re too good to be true. Sure, the cloths themselves are extra large, but comparatively a car is enormous.