Universal Pictures and the LEGO group are teaming up by taking their two blockbuster films and fusing them together. The animated short LEGO Jurassic World: The Indominus Escape...
Billy Bob Thorton returns to the big screen as America's favorite Santa Clause, Willie Soke, in Bad Santa 2. And he isn't the only returning character. Santa's little helper, Marcus...
Just when you think the zombie genre is a tad too played out, Korea goes and makes the greatest film since 28 Days Later. Train to Busan...
It's been 20 long years since the 1996 cult-classic Trainspotting was released. Fast forward to today, the film's sequel has its first teaser trailer.
Today, Oliver Stone's, Snowden, has a new trailer that dropped exclusively at this year's Comic Con. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays America's Hero and the Government's enemy, Edward Snowden...
Game of Thrones gets the Suicide Squad treatment in this clever edit from YouTuber VG934. Using similar cuts and the catchy Queen track, "Bohemian Rhapsody," the trailer...
Disney movie trailers still give me goosebumps, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I'm not quite sure how I missed its release last month, but Disney unveiled the trailer to their live action version of one of my all-time favorite stories, 'Pete's Dragon'.
Following closely behind the first official trailer for Titanfall 2 – ahead of E3 2016 – is the multiplayer gameplay trailer.
The much anticipated film adaptation for Assassin's Creed has received its first trailer today. Calum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) is forced to explore the memories of his ancestor Aguilar...
When I heard they were making a film about Edward Snowden, I couldn't help but cringe. I was sure this was another poor Hollywood mistake, trying to capitalize on a situation we know little about.