All of Us Are Dead' is a new zombie thriller dropping on Netflix this month based on the webtoon 'Now at Our School' by joo Dong-geun. Directed by Lee Jae-kyu and Kim Nam-soo, the new series follows the aftermath of a zombie outbreak...
Marvel Studios has just dropped their newest Disney+ series, starring Tom Hiddleston as Loki. Premiering on 6/11/2021, fans will enter into an alternative universe where Loki avoids being captured by the Avengers. There's only one problem...
The new Disney+ tv series stars Anthony Mackie (Falcon) and Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes) as they attempt to navigate their new partnership in the wake of Captain America's retirement.
Marvel and Netflix's new Original Series Daredevil received its first teaser trailer today. The story revolves around Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox), a man blinded as a boy that later developed extraordinary senses.