Your e-commerce store has been in operation for a number of years now. It has graduated from its awkward startup stage and managed to cement its footing in its niche market. First and foremost — kudos! You’ve worked hard to make a name for yourself in your industry, and you should be congratulated for that.

These celebrations cannot last for too long, however, as you’ve got business to attend to. More to the point, if you want your company to scale the very pinnacle of its industry one day, you’ve now got to focus on the all-important task of taking your e-commerce to the next level. To find out how that can be achieved, be sure to read on.

Update your brand

Now that your online store has been up and running for a considerable amount of time, it’s high time you decided to update your brand. A lot has changed since the earliest days of your business’s inception, and you need to showcase these changes by aligning your brand with your current product range and overall message. Not only will this save your target consumer base from being confused about what it is you offer, but it’ll also give your site the freshen up it needs to remain relevant in the market of today.

When updating your brand, especially if you haven’t taken on this type of challenge before, it’s imperative that you heed advice whenever it is offered by professionals in this particular field. A professional, as such, is Oberlo. A few of Oberlo’s expert brand awareness tips include:

  • Identifying what makes you unique
  • Being consistent
  • Showcasing positivity
  • Telling your story on an ‘About Us’ page
  • Knowing your audience

Optimize for the mobile web

If you do not optimize your e-commerce store for the mobile web, you will find it mightily difficult to take it to the next level. Aside from the fact that you won’t be able to tap into the ever-growing pool of mobile shoppers, not taking this action will now actually result in your website being penalized by Google.

Do you think that your online store could stand to be a little bit more mobile friendly? If so, you should:

  • Constantly request feedback from your mobile customers.
  • Regularly test your site using the Google mobile-friendly tool.
  • Refine your aesthetic design.
  • Align yourself with a reliable web host and make use of a responsive website theme.
  • Optimize your site for speed by implementing caching, using a content delivery network (CDN), compressing your images,
  • minifying your code, and updating your pages to ensure that they are all operating at peak efficiency.
  • Redesign your pop-ups to ensure they are mobile responsive.
  • Ensure that the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project is enabled.
  • Create a mobile app for your store.

Now that you have a solid platform to build from, it’s time you took on the challenge of further monetizing your e-commerce business venture. By updating your brand and optimizing your site for the mobile web, you’ll be able to do just that.