Gone are the days when people had to carry bulky cameras to every event. Today, smartphones have transformed the world of photography, allowing us to capture stunning images at any time and from anywhere.

But make no mistake; taking great photos with your phone isn’t as simple as aiming at the subject and shooting. You must also have basic knowledge of the principles of photography and employ some smartphone tricks and tips.
If you want to step up your smartphone photography game, here are some tips and tricks to help you get started.

Edit Your Photos

Smartphone cameras have seen several developments, making them more powerful in recent years. However, most cameras still don’t offer the same quality as professional cameras.

The good news is that you can enhance the appearance of your photos using a tool, such as Mixbook’s editing software, by adjusting brightness, saturation, contrast, and more. The best thing about most photo editing tools is that they give you the creative freedom to customize your designs fully, are easy to use, and feature various editing tools to help you achieve your desired outcome.

Use the Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is an essential photographic composition principle that states an image should be divided into thirds horizontally and vertically to create a grid of nine equal parts. The rule aims to place the subject at one of the intersections of the grid lines and not in the center of the frame.

Applying the rule of thirds ensures your photo is more balanced and level. This helps create a visually appealing and lively composition that attracts the viewer’s eye.

If you are unsure how to use the rule of thirds on your smartphone, you can enable the “gridlines” under “settings,” > “photos and camera.”

Use Natural Light

Light is a vital aspect of photography. Without it, even the best cameras can’t capture stunning images.

When using your smartphone to take photos, ensure you do it in a natural light setting. For best results, try to shoot during the golden hours, which is the time before sunset or sunrise. Shooting in harsh midday sun can create unpleasant shadows and blow out highlights.

In addition, if you’re taking photos indoors, open the curtains to let in natural light or place your subject near a window. You can also enhance the lighting in your room using a lamp or other artificial light source.

Hold Your Phone Still

One common problem with smartphone photography is blurry photos resulting from camera shakes. This occurs when you move your phone while capturing an image.

When shooting, try to keep your phone as still as possible. You can use both hands to hold the device and brace your arms against a stable surface.

Better still, you can get phone tripods to eliminate camera shakes. These stands are small and lightweight, making them ideal for on-the-go photography.

Experiment with Perspective

Many people tend to shoot their photos from eye level, making them appear dull and unremarkable. To avoid this, consider changing your perspective and capturing your images from various angles.

Taking pictures from unique angles can create an illusion of depth or height with your subjects, making even them more memorable. For instance, you can try shooting from a low angle to make your subject appear bigger and more dominant.

Focus on the Subject

When taking a photo, spend extra time focusing on your main subject. Most smartphone cameras come with an autofocus feature that can help you achieve this.

However, sometimes the feature may fail, making your subject look blurry or out of focus. But you can tap on your phone’s screen before capturing an image. This lets you choose the specific point you want to highlight and keeps your subject clear and sharp.