While acne is most common in teenagers, anyone of any age can develop the skin condition.

Acne occurs due to hair follicles becoming clogged with dead skin cells and oil; causing pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

Regardless of how old you are and how severe your acne is, if you have the condition, it could hurt your confidence.

Why does acne affect your confidence?

Beauty is not skin deep, but at the same time, it is natural for people to want to look good.

When people develop acne, it can be majorly damaging to their confidence; especially in this day and age in which there seems to be more media and peer pressure to appear like the airbrushed celebrities on Instagram.

Acne can really impact people’s self-esteem, especially when the acne is severe or persistent. Having acne can even lead to social anxiety and depression, so it needs to be taken seriously.

People who have little confidence due to their skin condition can find it difficult to go out with friends or date. They will also often avoid certain activities. For instance, acne does not just affect the face. So, people with body acne who have little confidence may avoid doing outdoor activities in which they need to wear less clothing.

Acne can prevent sufferers from fully enjoying their lives. However, many people with acne do live full and happy lives.

How can people with acne and low confidence treat their problems?</h2?

If your confidence is knocked because of your acne, there are two main ways in which you can try to resolve the problem.

Firstly, you can find the right treatment for your skin condition. There are various acne treatments available, but to find the right one for your specific needs, you will need to experiment with different skincare products.

Instead of using over-the-counter products, get a dermatologically designed product that is specially formulated for your type of skin. After all, every person’s skin is unique, so what works for one person does not necessarily work for another.

Secondly, you can try to resolve the problem of having your confidence knocked by changing your approach to how you feel.

For example, you may think that everyone is staring at your acne all the time when you go out and about. But the truth is people think much more about themselves than others. Most people will not even notice your acne at all.

By realizing the truth of the matter, rather than giving into feelings of anxiety and nonconfidence, you can begin to take control of your feelings and not worry about what other people think.

Ways to Build Confidence

The more attention you give your acne, the more anxious and unconfident you will be. On the other hand, the less thought you give your skin condition, the more you will be able to enjoy social occasions.

Practice mindfulness techniques and learn how to be fully in the moment so that you can stop focusing on negative thoughts about your skin.

Another way of helping you overcome your anxiety about your acne and gain more confidence is to step away from the mirror. Most acne sufferers will spend time looking at their pimples and blackheads close up in the mirror, but that only serves to increase the attention on the problem.

Instead, step away from the mirror and look at your whole body. That is the person that other people see. They are not focusing on your acne close-up, so you should not either.

Sure, it is challenging to stop being so focused on your acne. But over time, with the right mindfulness methods, you can indeed become more confident and enjoy life to the max.