The launch of the Midjourney v5.2 update has got the AI-art crowd super pumped! In this new version, there’s a cool feature called /shorten. Imagine writing a long, detailed prompt, then letting Midjourney trim it down to the essentials. It gives you five neat prompts to pick from. That’s not all – you can tweak and tune these prompts using Midjourney’s handy tools to get the perfect look.

I thought it’d be fun to mix Cyberpunk vibes with some kickass Marvel and DC superheroes. The results? Awesome! What do you think?”

Superheroes in a Cyberpunk Style

Captain America as a Cyberpunk Superhero
Captain America
Superman as a Cyberpunk Superhero
Superman as a Cyberpunk Superhero
Batman as a Cyberpunk Superhero
Batman as a Cyberpunk Superhero
Hulk as a Cyberpunk Superhero
Hulk as a Cyberpunk Superhero
Wonder Woman Cyberpunk Superhero
Wonder Woman as a Cyberpunk Superhero
Ironman Cyberpunk Superheroes
Iron Man
Spider-man as a Cyberpunk Superhero
Thor Cyberpunk Superheroes
Deadpool Cyberpunk Superheroes
Black Panther Cyberpunk Superheroes
Black Panther

Cyberpunk + Superhero Midjourney Prompt

Here’s the base prompt I used to get the results you see above:

a cinematic image of Black Panther in a cyberpunk world, Black Panther, the focal point of the image, standing tall and confident amidst the grime and chaos of the cyberpunk city, confident amidst the grime and chaos of the cyberpunk city, low-key lighting with deep shadows and bright highlights, reflecting the neon lights and signs of the city, using warm hues and long shadows from the golden hour sun, high camera position and slightly tilted perspective for a sense of dynamism and movement, vibrant colors reflecting off the wet, slick surfaces of the cyberpunk city, with a lot of contrast between the dark, dirty streets and the bright, colorful lights of the city, framed by the towering skyscrapers of the city to give a sense of scale of grandeur, wide-angle lens with a wide open aperture for a shallow depth of field, focusing on Black Panther

Then I passed the above prompt through Midjourney v5.2’s /shorten feature to come up with a better result. See below:

cinematic image of Black Panther in a cyberpunk world, Black Panther, the focal, standing tall and confident amidst the grime and chaos of the cyberpunk city, confident, grime and chaos of the cyberpunk, low-key lighting, shadows, highlights, neon

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