If you think that you're too old to drink Jägermeister or that it is only good consumed as an ice-cold shot, think again. Clearly, you've never tried a good Jägermeister cocktail before.
I’ve learned something important not too long ago; when Jägermeister invites you out to an event, you always go – especially if its a secret bar.
Face it: when you hear Jägermeister, you immediately think of a time back in college when you had one too many shots. Trust me, we've all been there, and it isn't pretty.
Jägermeister is not just a favorite shot of millions, it's a legendary German tradition passed down generation to generation. This was something I knew little about up until a few weeks ago.
To create a memorable night out with friends is tough these days. It seems like everyone is glued to their smartphones -- checking what's new on Twitter or taking a selfie on Instagram. The team over at Jägermeister was hip to this and created the app JagerBonds.