Joe's Daily

Home Improvement

Zircon Stud Finder

How to Find a Stud in Your Walls

If you have ever tried hanging a heavy object before you know that the best way to do so is by having the fastener secured into a stud. This assures your heavy object will remain secure to the wall.
How to Change a Bedroom Door Knob with Kobalt Tools

How to Change Your Bedroom Door Knob

Whether you consider yourself handy or not, chances are you haven’t changed a door knob before. It’s one of those items you use everyday and take for granted what exactly goes into it.
7 Secrets to Creating an Outdoor Oasis From Ty Pennington

7 Secrets to Creating an Outdoor Oasis From Ty Pennington

Summer is upon us and that means we will be spending more time enjoying the outdoors. Throughout the spring and summer seasons, Sears will be offering a vast selection of outdoor living collections, including the collection from Ty Pennington Style and many more.