Most drivers dread looking at the rearview mirror only to find the flashing lights of law enforcement officers’ cars gunning towards them. The speeding ticket that you receive may have significant financial and legal implications. If you were driving well above the speed limit, an arrest might ensue.

Impact of Tickets on Your License

Minor traffic violations such as speeding may attract a heavy fine through tickets. Certain traffic infractions such as DUI or dangerous driving can have more severe consequences.

You may face jail time or revocation of your license. If the case is dropped, you may require additional reputation management plans such as mugshot removal to prevent the arrest record from affecting your life.

Accumulating tickets and points on your license can also bump up your insurance premiums. Most insurers may be lenient for first-time offenders. However, the nature of your infraction may determine the increase in premiums, some of which may increase by up to 82.2%.

How to Keep the Speeding Ticket from Reflecting on Your Record

The length that your speeding ticket remains on record may vary from state to state. Here are four ways you can keep the ticket off the record:

Contest the Citation

Only less than 5% of drivers contest the ticket issued. Fighting the citation may require you to appear before a judge for at least two days. You can argue the case on your own or hire an attorney to represent you.

The overall result may vary, from outright dismissal to a reduced penalty. The technicalities surrounding the case may have the upper hand. You can review your citation to identify any mistakes that could support a dismissal.

Choose To Attend A Driving Class

You may also opt for an alternative discipline measure by enrolling in a defensive driving class. This option may not be available in all jurisdictions. Attending a traffic school accredited by the DMV can lead to the ticket being expunged; hence it doesn’t reflect on your driving record. It may be a cheaper solution than paying a hefty fine plus increased premiums.

Delay the Ticket

Another trick up your sleeve may be to delay paying the ticket fine. Most traffic tickets have a hearing date that is several months down the road. Technicalities such as the issuing officer not appearing in court can lead to a dismissal.

You may request a continuance, delaying the hearing further. Your gamble may pay off if the officer receives a transfer, retires, or quits the force.

Work on A Deferral

You can also request the judge for a deferral. It means that you plead guilty to the charge, but the ticket is not executed (not added to the record) for a specific period, usually one year.

The ticket is deleted if you manage to complete the deferral period without raking up any other citations. However, receiving another citation results in both tickets going to your record, dramatically increasing your insurance premiums.


Traffic violation charges can have a significant impact on your finances and driving record. The tips above can help you avoid accumulating additional points on your license. If you decide to contest the citation, you are better off hiring a traffic violation lawyer.