Joe's Daily


olloclip's New Macro Pro Lens for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

olloclip’s New Macro Pro Lens for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

Your iPhone's camera just got a whole lot cooler. olloclip released a new Macro Pro Lens that offers three magnification levels: 7x, 14x, and 21x. Each lens is paired with an InstaFocus™ hood that helps you take a crisp, clean macro photo by diffusing light and automatically setting the focus.
Click-Clack Table Tennis Table

Ping Pong Table Made from Reclaimed Rail Pieces

If you've been looking for that one man cave piece that will stand out from the rest and wow your friends, this is it. Click-Clack Table Tennis Table is a custom ping pong table created by Robert Hendrick of Railyard Studios.
Waterproof Apple Watch Case

Catalyst Wants To Waterproof Your Apple Watch

Soon you will be able to go in the water with your Apple Watch. Catalyst, known for their premium iPhone cases and waterproof accessories, is launching a new collection of products for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.
HEX Camera Bag Capsule

HEX Releases New Camera Bag Capsule

HEX has created some of my favorite bags I use to travel with every day. Whether it be to a coffee shop or on some random adventure. So when I saw their latest drop was a 6-piece DSLR Camera Capsule, featuring a DSLR Backpack, DSLR Sling Pack, and Camera Pouch, I was naturally overly excited.
HEX Stinson Collection

HEX Unveils New Stinson Collection

HEX releases the Stinson Collection, a capsule featuring two backpack styles and one duffel bag, each available in seven different fabric combinations.
HEX Infinity Collection

The Infinity Collection by HEX

Our friends at HEX continue to impress us with new collections that go further than the last. Their latest, The Infinity Collection, is a 17-piece set created in khaki waxed canvas for water resistance with a durable black coated trim.
Sovrn Republic Drifter Pack

Sovrn Republic Drifter Pack

Whether you're trekking through the Peruvian Amazon Jungle or venturing out in your backyard, The Sovrn Drifter Pack is for you.