Joe's Daily


Hot.kenobi Batman and Superman crushing cans

This Action Figure Instagram is Epic to Say the Least

These photos by Japanese photographer Hot.kenobi take playing with action figures to a whole new level. It’s hard to know where to start when describing the collection, but “awesome” and/or “hilarious” definitely feel accurate.
Instagram Now Supports Landscapes & Portraits

Instagram Now Supports Landscapes & Portraits

Everyone's favorite image sharing app, Instagram, or in some cases, what I ate for breakfast app, now supports landscape and portrait images. But don't worry, they didn't take away your precious 1:1 ratio just yet.

Introducing Instagram Hyperlapse

Today, everyone's favorite photo-sharing app has launched their latest project, Instagram Hyperlapse. The app provides a bare bones UI, made specifically for creating cinematic timelapse videos with ease.
Dan Bilzerian

Is Dan Bilzerian Set to Retire His Crown as the Instagram King?

Poker player, actor, venture capatalist and self-described ‘asshole’ Dan Bilzerian has taken social networking site Instagram by storm. Thanks to the images of his extravagant lifestyle, featuring cash, drugs, guns and plenty of girls, Bilzerian has earned himself over 300,000 followes on the site.

Projecteo, a Tiny Instagram Projector

I'm obsessed with Instagram. So naturally I'd love a projector that showcases a few of my favorite snapshots. Meet Projecteo, an itty bitty little device that projects your Instagram photos onto whatever surface you choose.
Nike Photo ID shoe series

Custom Nike Shoes Using Your Instagram

That picture you on Instagram of your salad at lunch, it can also be the inspiration for your next pair of Nike shoes. Having the capability of turning Instagram photos into a wide range of items, it was only a matter of time until someone thought of the idea of making shoes based on them.