Adam Sandler takes us on an extraordinary journey to the fringes of the cosmos in the latest sci-fi drama, "Spaceman". Directed by the visionary Johan Renck...
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first time humans set foot on the Moon's surface, Zippo has unveiled their 2019 collectible of the year. The Zippo Moon Landing Windproof Lighter is made in the USA...a
"This is real," astronaut Alexander Gerst wrote in a tweet after uploading the time-lapse video captured from the International Space Station (ISS). The video shows time-lapse footage of the Russian Progress MS-10 cargo spacecraft that launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on November 16.
Today, on both National Space Day and the official 'May the Fourth Be with You' day, Budweiser is celebrating its commitment to being the first beer in space with a new video. The film is narrated by retired Astronaut Clay Anderson...
As of right now, if you're an astronaut in space, you aren't drinking beer. Carbonated beverages don't exactly mesh well with a zero-gravity environment.
In March, Made in Space and Lowe's Innovation Labs made news by launching the first ever commercial 3D printer to space. The 3D printer...
Last year, UP Aerospace Inc. launched a SL-10 rocket into the edge of space and now GoPro has released an extended version of the footage.
The first official trailer for Ridley Scott's forthcoming space rescue film: The Martian has dropped. Matt Damon plays Mark Whatney, an astronaut left behind on Mars after his team's mission gets compromised and he's presumed dead.
When Elon Musk isn't busy conquering the roads with Tesla, he's working on SpaceX, aka the Space Exploration Technologies Corporation.
In Christopher Nolan's latest film Interstellar, Matthew McConaughey plays a pilot coerced into leaving his family to join a group of explorers on a quest to save mankind.