Traffic accidents aren’t rare in Florida. The state has over 15 million registered motorists. Data snapshots from the state Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles show over 400,000 accidents in the state in 2021 alone. Such accidents leave victims with various injuries and significant medical debt. Most people choose to file insurance claims after car accident injuries.

Personal injury laws permit victims to seek compensation for economic and subjective damages after a car accident.

If you want to file a car accident claim in Florida, you must follow the right steps. Completing the claim form, determining deductibles, and examining the fine print requires expert help. That being said, Florida car accident attorneys can help you with your car accident claim.

They bring skills and experience you won’t get anywhere and can guide you through the sophisticated process to increase your chances of success. Here are tips to consider when filing a car accident claim.

Call 911

It’s essential to call 911 after an accident so the dispatcher can contact the police and send emergency medical help. Don’t ignore any injuries, no matter how small. You could be dealing with internal injuries even without pain. The EMTs will attend to you, record your injuries, and perhaps recommend that you accompany them to the hospital. Go with them if they ask. Otherwise, gather evidence.

Gather evidence

After an accident, gather evidence to support your case if you can. These include names and contact details of the drivers involved and their vehicle plates, model, and year. Take care when talking to them. You don’t want to cause a kerfuffle. But don’t let them bully you into feeling responsible for the accident.

While at the scene, take pictures of the damages, including inside and outside the vehicle, debris, damaged road rail, torn clothes, injuries, etc. Take information from third-party witnesses too.

They might provide details to fill in information gaps. Don’t forget to record/note down these conversations. Speak with the responding officers and write down what they say. Ask if they will be making an official report so you can get a copy for your case.

Go to the hospital

You must visit a nearby hospital or clinic after a car accident to get examined and treated. As mentioned, you might be dealing with internal injuries. Medical scans can help determine the extent of your injuries and treatment. They will also serve as evidence for a strong claim.

Don’t compromise on seeking medical help. The insurer may say you weren’t even hurt badly or that you had a pre-existing condition. Go to the hospital and keep receipts. In case you need further appointments, make sure to keep them reasonable lest it appears that you were trying to inflate your claim.

Document your recovery

Write down your view about the accident, how and when it happened, and the conditions, including motorist actions, roads, and weather. Document your injuries, too, and the resulting medical expenses, care, and supplies.

Car accidents involve various hidden costs. You want your claim to account for all of them lest you face financial difficulties after accepting a settlement. Hidden expenses include long-term medical care, lost wages, travel to appointments, therapy costs, property tow and repair costs, depreciation, etc. Be careful when documenting your recovery, though. Don’t post details on social media. You don’t want the insurers getting some hints to fight against your claim.

Speak with a lawyer

Once you’ve been treated, file your claim as soon as possible. Florida car accident cases have a two-year statute of limitation. You forfeit the right to claim if you wait more than two years after your accident to file your claim. File your claim in time. The insurer will appoint someone to handle your claim, and they will have questions for you.

You could handle the questions on your own, but insurers are never kind to non-represented claimants. They can trick you into accepting part or all of the liability. They know you are emotional and confused during this time and can use that against you.

Don’t speak with insurers without a lawyer. An experienced lawyer will guide you through the complex process, including explaining law and insurance terms. They also work with experts to investigate cases, gather evidence, reconstruct the accident, and determine damages, including subjective damages.

Always have a lawyer on speed dial when dealing with a car accident insurance claim process. Speak with a car accident lawyer today and learn the merits of your case.